I need to add quit or exit menu option to my program. and I also need to add which will be displayed when the program exits a running total of all the converted dollar amounts entered. The highest converted dollar amount out of all the currencies entered, along with the name of that currency. everthing I have tried crashes any hlep would be great.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


float conversion(float, float);
float get_dollar(void);
void  get_menu(void);


/*define currency*/
float UK              = .558005;
float Euro            = 0.8264;
float Canadian        = 1.32;
float YEN             = 109.37;
float AUD             = 1.30073;
char  input           =  ' ';
float amount       =  0.0;
float total_amt    =  0.0;


//display the menu options


/*Get input for menu option. The method used is the getch() function which
gets the first character input only.  This is good for my menu since I am only trying
to get the numbers 1 2, or 3.  I cant enter more then one character, and if
I enter an invalid character the case statement below will catch this.

input = getch();

  case '1':
     /*Do conversion for british currency */
     /*Get input for dollar amount */
     amount = get_dollar();
     total_amt = conversion(amount, UK);
     /* Print out conversion amount */
     printf("\n\n %4.2f UK Pound    = %4.2f US dollars\n",amount, total_amt);
  case '2':
     /*Do conversion for Danish currency */
     amount = get_dollar();
     total_amt = conversion(amount,Euro);
      /* Print out conversion amount */
     printf("\n\n %4.2f Euro Dollar     = %4.2f US dollars\n",amount, total_amt);
  case '3':
     /*Do conversion for Candian currency */
     amount = get_dollar();
     total_amt = conversion(amount,Canadian);
     /* Print out conversion amount */  
     printf("\n\n %4.2f Canadian Dollar  = %4.2f US dollars\n",amount, total_amt);
  case '4':
     /*Do conversion for Candian currency */
     /* Print out conversion amount */  
     printf("\n\n %4.2f Japan Yen  = %4.2f US dollars\n",amount, total_amt);
  case '5':
     /*Do conversion for Candian currency */
     amount = get_dollar();
     total_amt = conversion(amount,AUD);
     /* Print out conversion amount */  
     printf("\n\n %4.2f Australian Dollar  = %4.2f US dollars\n",amount, total_amt);
    /* catch the invalid menu option and display to screen */
     printf("\n\n You have entered an invalid menu option\n");
printf("Hit any key to quit.....\n");


/* Present menu options*/

void get_menu()

    printf("1.  UK Pounds\n");
    printf("2.  Euro dollar\n");
    printf("3.  Canadian Dollar\n");
    printf("4.  Japan Yen\n");
    printf("5.  Australian Dollar\n");
    printf("\n\nPlease enter the number associated with the currency:");


/* The function takes an input amount and the conversion rate and
   then divides the input amount by the conversion rate to get the 
   new converted amount.
float conversion(float input_amt, float curr_value)
  float new_amount = 0.0;
  new_amount = input_amt / curr_value;
  return new_amount;


/* The function prompts for an input dollar amount.  */
float get_dollar()
   double inp_dol = 0.0;
   char inp_string[20]="";
   char *pEnd;
   printf("\nPlease enter a non zero dollar amount:");
   //The following code allows for validation of input. If the user enters any non numeric number or
   //a number of less than or equal to zero the code below will prompt the user again. 
   inp_dol = strtod(inp_string, &pEnd);
   while(pEnd[0] != '\0' || inp_dol <= 0.0)
     printf("\nPlease enter a non zero dollar amount:");
     inp_dol = strtod(inp_string, &pEnd);
   return inp_dol;