this is what i have written so far...
I'm stuck at the place where I have to keep on moving the knight into different places....
Can anyone write me the code to let me study it with?
I can learn a lot that way>"<...
thanks !
I looked at the flood fill..I'm new to it...I need some time to understand it lol....
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
int chessBoardArray[9][9] = { 0 }; 

void startBoard(); 
void printBoard(); 
void move(); 
void moveknight( const int startx, const int starty ); 
int check( int m, int n );

struct Move{ 
  int X; 
  int Y; 

const Move[8] = { {+1,+2}, {+1, -2}, {+2,+1}, {+2,-1}, {-1,+2}, {-1,-2}, {-2,+1}, {-2,-1} }; 

  int startColumn, startRow; 
  int endColumn, endRow; 
  int x, y; 
  printf( "Select a starting point:\n" ); 
  printf( "Enter x coordinate of starting point:" ); 
  scanf( "%d", &startColumn );     
  printf( "Enter y coordinate of starting point:" ); 
  scanf( "%d", &startRow ); 
  printf( "Enter x coordinate of ending point:" ); 
  scanf( "%d", &endColumn );     
  printf( "Enter y coordinate of ending point:" ); 
  scanf( "%d", &endRow ); 
  printf( " -1 means the starting point\n" ); 
  printf( " -2 means the ending point\n" ); 
  chessBoardArray[ startRow ][ startColumn ] = (-1); 
  chessBoardArray[ endRow ][ endColumn ] = (-2); 
  printf( "Start:(%d,%d)\n", startRow, startColumn ); 
  printf( "End:(%d,%d)\n\n", endRow, endColumn );     
  printf( "Calculationg least steps.....\n" ); 
  moveknight( startRow, startColumn ); 
  system( "pause" );
    return 0;   

void startBoard() 
  int i, j; 
    for( i = 0; i <= 8; i++ ) 
     chessBoardArray[i][0] = i; 
  for( j = 0; j <= 8; j++ ) 
     chessBoardArray[0][j] = j; 

void printBoard() 
  int i, j, k; 
    printf("%35s\n", "Chess Board" ); 
  printf( "     -------------------------------------------------\n" ); 
  for( i = 8; i >= 1; i-- ){ 
     for( j = 0; j <= 8; j++ ){ 
     printf( "%3d  |", chessBoardArray[i][j]); 
     printf( "\n" ); 
     printf( "     -------------------------------------------------" ); 
  printf( "\n" ); 
  printf( "\n" ); 
  for( i = 0, j = 0; j<= 8; j++ ) 
     printf( "%3d   ", chessBoardArray[i][j]); 
  printf( "\n\n" ); 

void moveknight( const int x, const int y) {
   int i, checkans;
   for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ){
      checkans = check( x+Move[i].X, y+Move[i].Y );
      if( checkans == 1 ){
     } /* End If */
     }/* End For */

int check( int m, int n) 
   if( m > 9 || m < 1 || n > 9 || n < 1 )
      return 0;      
   else return 1;