I began working out a problem and ran into a brain freeze and I eventually solved it, but it doesn't look like what I originially had in mind. The results are perfect, I will keep the code, but for some reason, I thought the code would look slightly different...but only in the part where I take the value of 500.

Is there a "better" way of doing this? I'm sure it's obvious, but basically I want to separate the values city and id from the string, "new york (500)".

Appreciate all the help!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()


        int offset; 
     	char *position; 
     	char *str = "New York (500)";
     	char *search_str = "(" ;
	char city[110];
	char id[110]; // this represents the 500 number
                int IDSIZE = 3;

               position = (char *)strstr(str, search_str);

               offset = (int)(position - str);

               position = (char *)strncpy(city, str, offset);
               printf("String is %s , Offset = %d , City is: %s", str, 
               offset, city);
               str = (str + (offset + 1));
               position = (char *)strncpy(id, str, IDSIZE);		           
               printf("Branch id is:  %s", id);
               return 0;
