Thread: Creating a student grade book-how?

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  1. #1
    Hopelessly confused

    Unhappy Creating a student grade book-how?

    I'm trying to create a student database gradebook and I am clueless as to how to do it. These are my instructions and code for Part A.
    There is one problem with the Part A code. When enterered my four grades they printed to the screen but not to the printer. How do I fix this?
    I have no clue as to how to do Part B. My brain is fried and I could use some help desperately.
    Can you please walk me through these instructions step by step for Part B with some examples?

    Part A
    This program will read data for one student and
    compute and print the student’s average.
    1.) get_integer - this function will be passed a
    character array(empty) and the maximum number of
    digits to be entered. The function should accept a
    number from the keyboard into the character array and
    check for input of only digits and for the maximum
    number. You should stay in the function until an
    acceptable value is entered. This function should work
    for an int or a long.
    2.) get_average - this function will be passed an
    array of integer values that represents how many
    elements are in the array. It will return the average
    of these values, dropping the lowest value. The
    average should be rounded off to an integer value
    before returning it to the calling function.

    1)Define the template of a data structure to contain
    the student's complete name, course number
    (itec21011101), social security number(must be a long)
    and four test grades(values 0 to 110), and an integer
    average. Define the template as a global.

    2) In main define the structure variable. The program
    should pass a function to a pointer in the structure
    variable in main. The function will read in student's
    name, course number(itec21011101), social security
    number and accept the name for a max length of 20
    characters, course number 11 characters and social
    security number for 9 digits (Use the function to get
    an integer with the modification to allow for exactly
    9 digits.)

    There should be a separate function(Use the function
    to get an integer) to read in one grade
    and return it to main. This last function should be
    executed four times. Check each grade and make sure it
    is no more than three digits and the value of each
    grade should be 0 to 110. Each grade should be in the

    I must use the get average function to compute the
    grades dropping the lowest grade. When the average is
    returned put in the structure average in main. Print
    all information to the printer with all identifying
    words from main.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    struct student {
    	char 	name[21];
    	char 	cnum[12];
    	long	ssn;
    	int 	grades[4];
    	int 	average;
    void get_data(struct student *);
    void get_integer(char *string, int number);
    int  get_average(int *numbers, int number);
    int main(void)
    {	char string[10];
    	int test = 0;
    	int index = 0;
    	int flags;
    	struct student record;
    	{	flags = 0;
    		printf("\nEnter the grade %d [0-110] :", index+1);
    		get_integer(string, 3);
    		test = atoi(&string[2]);
    		if(test<=110 && test>0)
    			flags = 1;
    	}while ((flags==1)||(index < 4));
    	/*-- You will need to call get_average here --*/
    	record.average = get_average(record.grades,4);
    	printf("\n\nThe student's name is %s:\n",;
    	//fprintf(stdprn,"\n\nThe student's name is %s:\n",;
    	printf("The ssn is %ld:\n", record.ssn);
    	//fprintf(stdprn,"The ssn is %ld:\n", record.ssn);
    	printf("The course number is %s:\n", record.cnum);
    	//fprintf(stdprn,"The course number is %s:\n",record.cnum);
    	printf("The average of the four student grades is%d:\n", record.average);
    	//fprintf(stdprn,"The average of the four student grades is %d:\n", record.average);
    	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    void get_data(struct student *record)
    	char string1[23];
    	char string2[12];
    	char string3[13];
    	string1[0] = 20;
    	printf("Please enter the student's name: ");
    	strcpy(record->name, &string1[2]);
    	{   printf("\nPlease enter social security number [9DIGITS]: ");
        /*-- To allow for the two count chars used by cgets --*/
        /*-- we start the string copying at element 2.--*/
    	string3[0]=12;       /*-- Extra for the NULL char--*/
    	{	printf("\nEnter the course number [11 DIGITS]: ");
    	/*-- To allow for the two count chars used by cgets--*/
        /*-- we start the string copying at element 2.--*/
    void get_integer(char *string, int number)
    { 	int flags;
    	int index;
    	/*-- Allow for the null string terminator --*/
    	{	flags = 0 ;
    		if(string[1] > number) /*-- Check input is the correct length --*/
    		{	printf("\nPlease re-enter [%d DIGITS]: ",number);
    			flags = 1;
            /*-- To allow for the two count chars used by cgets --*/
    	/*-- we start the number checking from element 2.--*/
    		for(index=2 ; string[index] != '\0'; index++)
    			if (!isdigit(string[index]))
    			{	printf("\nOnly digits please!\n");
    				flags = 1;
    	}while(flags == 1);
    /*-- this function recieves the input array and size
    of the array --*/
    int get_average(int *numbers, int number)
    	int 	lowest;
    	float 	sum = 0;
    	int 	index;
    	int 	average;
    	for( index = 0 ; index < number ; index++)
    	{	if(index == 0)  /*--to find the lowest set the first value in the array--*/
    				   /*-- to the lowest variable and if a following value in the --*/
    				  /*-- comparison is larger set it to the lowest variable--*/
    			lowest = numbers[0];
    		if(numbers[index] < lowest)
    			lowest = numbers[index] ;
    		sum += numbers[index];	/*-- sum up all the numbers--*/
    	average = (sum - lowest) / (number - 1)+ .5; /*-- get the average minus the lowest--*/
    	return average ;                          /*-- return the average as a long value --*/

    Part B
    Create a menu program that will include the following:
    1. Create /Add student data
    2. Delete student data
    3. Record/Correct student records
    4. Display student records
    5. Statistical Analysis
    6. Quit

    Write a create/add function and the print function.
    The create/add function should open the data file as
    either create or add. Prompt the user to decide which
    way the data file is to be opened, then input student
    name, social security number and course number. Set
    all grades and average to zero. Write the structure
    to the file. The program is to check each field
    entered for the maximum size and loop until the
    correct data is entered. Modify the function to set
    all grades and the average to zero.

    The display function should display each student
    record in the file to the screen in column form. All
    other functions should display a message. The program
    should continue looping until quit is chosen. The
    data file to be used can be set up as an external
    variable or constant. The menu should be defined in
    an array of pointers.

    Write the delete function. The function should request
    from the user identifying information that will
    determine which student’s information is to be
    deleted. The file should stay in the order it is
    already in. Also add wallpaper, color shadowing the
    menu box, turning off the cursor and selecting from
    the menu by highlighting the selections. Color should
    be added to the functions already created.

    Write the update function. This function should
    request which grade the user wants to record for all
    the students at one time. (Example: The teacher has
    graded test 1 and wishes to record all the test 1
    grades for the class). Before the file is rewritten,
    the user should be allowed the option of having the
    grades averaged at this time (use average function
    that drops the lowest grade).

    Write the statistical analysis function. The function
    should analyze the student averages. Print to the
    printer each student’s name and average. For the
    class print to the printer the highest average, lowest
    average, the average of the class and the standard
    deviation with identifying literals. Also print on
    the screen a frequency chart, in graphics mode,
    showing how many A, B, C, D, and F final grades.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    thats quite funny

  3. #3
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Good lord. There's no way I'm going to read all that. It'd take me all weekend. Aside from that, you really should use code tags. Read the FAQ. Aw hell, I'll show you how:

    Your code here.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  4. #4
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1998
    ok 2 things....Basically the same as quzah said, only I'm known for being more tactful than he is....

    First see if you can narrow your question down some to specifics. People arn't going to read that much. (Though I am impressed if you typed it all in). Pick one problem, ask that, solve that see if it helps. If you need more then ask later. (Though I suggest you register, people are more helpful if you do).

    Number 2:

    I am posting this because you did not use code tags on this thread. In the furture please use Code Tags. They make your code MUCH easier to read and people will be much more likely to help you if you do. And they'll be happy about helping you

    For example:

    Without code tags:

    for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
    cout << "No code tags are bad";

    With Code Tags:
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
         cout << "This code is easy to read";
    This is of course a basic example...more complicated code is even easier to read with code tags than without.

    I've added code tags for you this time. They can be added by putting [ code ] at the beginning of your code and [ /code ] at the end, only without the spaces. More information on code tags may be found at the link in my signature. Any further questions or ways I can help please feel free to PM me.

    If you're new to the boards, welcome and reading this will help you get started.
    Information on code tags may be found here

    - Sandlot is the highest form of sport.

  5. #5
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    ok 2 things....Basically the same as quzah said, only I'm known for being more tactful than he is....
    Tact? Who likes tact? Tact is painful! Have you ever sat on a tact?! Oh, wait, that's a tack... Nevermind.

    They can be added by putting [ code ] at the beginning of your code and [ /code ] at the end, only without the spaces.
    Hey Kermie, if you want to show someone how to do a code tag, use this insead of with the spaces, that way you don't befuddle simple minds:


    That way when it shows up in your post, it will actually show up as:


    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  6. #6
    Lead Moderator kermi3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1998
    Yeah I know...once I quit being lazy I'll update my template heh.

    If you're new to the boards, welcome and reading this will help you get started.
    Information on code tags may be found here

    - Sandlot is the highest form of sport.

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