hi, everybody!

I have three problems that I would like you guys to help me out with.

But first I have to let you guys know that I'm a newbie to the c language so please be specific with the solutions that you provide.

Ok, here we go...

Problem 1:

I am trying to read data from a file till EOF, count how many words and lines on that file, and then display the results onto the screen.


one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten

Problem 2:

I want to rewrite "Problem 1" but this time it will have to read a .csv file that uses commas for delimiters instead of spaces.



Problem 3:

I would like to rewrite "Problem 2" from above but this time it will use an array to hold the words. Its purpose is to read all the words (separated by commas) and then place each word in its own element.

Thanx in advance,