Hi! I'm attempting to create a bubble sort. By the way: a bubble sort is essentially 2 linear sorts at the same time, right?

So far I've:

1) Created a list of random numbers in an array
2) Performed a linear sort from the beginning forward and the ending backward (at the same time)
3) Set it up in a loop that's SUPPOSED to continue looping until each half is sorted. Any time a swap is performed, a flag is enabled that continues the loop. If the flag is not enabled, the program falls out of the loop (ie: stops sorting). This is the part I'm having trouble with. The flag seems to work correctly, but it doesn't break the loop.

I haven't provided for numbers that are in the second half that belong in the first half (yet), but I'll get to that...

Also I probably have a lot of redundant code since I'm still trying to make it work... ;-)

Anyway, does anyone know why the WHILE condition is not being met?



this generates random numbers and sorts them


void sort_main (void);

int main (void)
	sort_main ();
	return 0;

void sort_main (void)
	int array[10];
	int loop = 0;
	int count = 0;
	int max = 9;
	int temp;
	char cont = 'y';

	//open output file for write
	FILE *fp = fopen ("bubble_sort.txt", "w");

	fprintf (fp,"Before:\n");

	//initialize array values
	for (loop = 0; loop <= max; loop++)
		array[loop] = rand();
		fprintf (fp,"\t%d", array[loop]);

	fprintf (fp,"\n\nAfter:\n");

	//check middle element if the number of elements is odd
	if ((max + 1) % 2 != 0)
		if (array[(max + 1) / 2] > array[(max + 1) / 2 + 1])
			temp = array[(max + 1) / 2];
			array[(max + 1) / 2 + 1] = array[max / 2];
			array[(max + 1) / 2] = temp;
			temp = 0;

		cont = 'n';

		for (loop = 0; loop < (max / 2); loop++)
			//check from forward direction
			if (array[loop] > array[loop + 1])
				temp = array[loop + 1];
				array[loop + 1] = array[loop];
				array[loop] = temp;
				temp = 0;
				cont = 'y';
			else if (array[loop] == array[loop + 1])
				array[loop + 1] = 0;
				cont = 'y';

			//check from reverse direction
			if (array[max - loop] < array[max - (loop + 1)])
				temp = array[max - (loop + 1)];
				array[max - (loop + 1)] = array[max - loop];
				array[max - loop] = temp;
				temp = 0;
				cont = 'y';
			else if (array[max - loop] == array[max - (loop + 1)])
				array[max - (loop + 1)] = 0;
				cont = 'y';

		//print "cont" value and pause
		printf ("%c\n", cont);
		scanf ("%d", &temp);
		temp = 0;

	} while (cont = 'y');

	for (loop = 0; loop <= max; loop++)
		if (array[loop] != 0)
			fprintf (fp,"\t%d", array[loop]);

	fclose (fp);