Hey, I'm writing a C program that uses a whole lot of malloc and free commands. I've run into a snag where partway through execution, it fails on a free command. However I've checked thoroughly by printing out memory addresses as they are allocated and freed, and this memory is allocated with malloc and used successfully before I attempt to use free on it.

Luckilly I always used this to call free:
void safefree (void *pointer) {
	if (pointer) {

#ifdef DEBUG
		fprintf (debugOut, "%p: safefree\n", pointer);
		fflush (debugOut);

		free (pointer);
So for debugging I just commented out the line: free (pointer);

However, then I found out that the program was still hanging on free, but within the fflush command! And this time, as I'm writing this post, it's the printf command causing the problem. The problem is always in SubBlock_merge_prev, which is nested deep within the free command (nothing I have anything to do with).

The call stack according to CodeWarrior (8.3) debugger:
0x77E8141A( kernel32.dll )
I have a temporary fix, which is the following:
void free (void *ptr) {}
However this makes the program eat a TON of memory.

I tried using Visual Studio, and it no longer crashes if I comment the free line in safefree. So at least standard libraries aren't crashing there. However, with my free uncommented, I get "DAMAGE: after Normal block (#57) at 0x0032FC18." I'm not sure if this is Visual Studio's gentle way of telling me I'm freeing memory twice, but the space should be allocated correctly with malloc so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Any ideas?