I'm not sure how this may be done.
I've tried checking the FAQ, Getting a number or a string from the user, etc, can't quet figure it out.

I know the exact format of the input file, and I want to read in the first 6 columns only. ie:
month  1    3  4  5    6     77   8   99 
day       2   5  5  66   7    7     7   0
I have a structture for the 1st 6 columns:
struct EDFSection
	char Param[20];
	char Label[3], SFactor[4], SigBits[2];
	int Bit30, Bit31;
I only want to fill the structure and then move on to the next row.
desired output:
month  1    3  4  5    6     
day       2   5  5  66   7
It's a text input file.