Hi, based off some errors I got compiling last week, it was recommended I create a makefile to include some links for necessary libs.

I began researching make and creating makefiles and found some good examples to work from but the make file I created is blowing up on me.

Have I created a bad makefile or is it finding issues with my source code? I know thats a vague question I'm trying to get someone to read the code, just not sure if I am grasping the makefile concept or not and wanted to know if anyone see's an obvious mistake. Thanks-

the error while running make is:
make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 17: Unexpected end of line seen
the actual make file is:
INCL   = utilserv.h
SRC    = simpletest.c
OBJ    = $(SRC:.c=.o)
LIBS   = -lsocket -lcomctl32
EXE    = a.exe

# compiler stuff
CC      = gcc
LDFLAGS =  -o $(EXE) $(LIBS)
RM      = rm -f

# create object files
%.o: %.c
    $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c -o $*.o

# linker objects
$(EXE): $(OBJ)
    $(CC) $(OBJ) menu.o $(LDFLAGS) -mwindows

# object-dependent libraries
$(OBJ): $(INCL)
# make debug
    $(CC) $(CFDEBUG) $(SRC)

# make clean
    $(RM) $(OBJ) $(EXE)