Ok I know how to write the actuall hash function what I'm having trouble with is the techniqe to resolve the collision there is a way called Dynamic Hashing I'm having trouble on how to write it. I understand how it works I just don't know were to start . here is the srtucture of the HashTable
 typedef struct {
   int key ; 
   char FName[10]; //First Name //
   char LName[10]; // Last name // 
   char Tel[7]; //telephone number // 
   char city[10] ; 
} element ;
and I've decided to use the mid square hash function
int hash( element Civil )

 unsigned int v , x , y , w ;

  w = Civil.key * Civil.key ; // this squares the Civil Id //
  y = w << 16 ;   // this takes the three bits in the key 
  x = y >> 29 ;  // which are in the middle // 
   printf("x = %d \n" , x);
 return (x);
in the main program it's a normal input of data using scanf then calling the function

 int main()
 int i , size ;  // size of the elements we want to enter // 
 element Civil  ; 
 element hash_table[TABLE_SIZE];
 // Inserting data //
 printf("Enter number of records you want to read: ");
 scanf("%d" , & size);
 for ( i = 0 ; i < size ;i ++)
   printf("Enter civil ID:\n");
   scanf("%d" , &Civil.key);
   printf("Enter first name:\n");
   scanf("%s" , &Civil.FName);
   printf("Enter Last name :\n");
   scanf("%s" , &Civil.LName);
   printf("Enter telephone # :");
   scanf("%s" , &Civil.Tel);
   printf("Enter City:");
   scanf("%s" , & Civil.city);
   Dynamic_insert( Civil , hash_table);  // this is the function  I //
                                                               // want to create //
Any one got any ideas on what I should do next . Is it a good idea to strat making it look like a binary tree ???