Hello, i am getting application errors while running this code. It happens on the line in my code where i marked with >>>. No errors appear in compiler. What have I done wrong. Thanks...

#define Z 10

void main(void)
char produce[10][15]={"Bologna","Franks","Salami","Pepperoni","Bagett" ,"Bread","Cole Slaw","Potato Salad","Tuna Salad","Fruit Salad"}, *Prod;
double price[10]={2.29, 1.99, 4.99, 3.99, 0.99, 1.29, 1.35, 2.09, 3.05, 2.78};
int i, weight;
double line[10];
double prodTot=0;
char yORn;

printf("%2i %-13s $%g/lbs\n",i, produce[i-1], price[i-1]);
printf("\nEnter the number of the item you want: ");
>>>scanf ("%i", &i);
Prod = produce[i-1];
printf("\n\nHow many pounds of %s would you like?", Prod[i-1]);
scanf ("%i", &weight);
prodTot = weight * price[i-1];
printf("\n%i lbs of %s is $%g\n",weight,Prod,prodTot);
printf("\nNeed anything else?");
scanf ("%c", &yORn);

}while (yORn == 'y' || yORn == 'Y');
