I'm trying to compare two matrices to see if they are equal. They are stored in the same manner, in that I use a double pointer.

This is my code

 for ( row = 0; row < rows; ++row )
            for ( col = 0; col < cols; ++col )
                int i = col * rows + row;
                if(matrixD[i] != matrixC[i])
                    printf("matrixd, %8g, matrixC, %8g \n", matrixD[i], matrixC[i]);
                    flag = TRUE;
                    return flag;
This gives me a result

matrixd, 21.544, matrixC, 21.544
The results are NOT equal!!
They seem to be the saem so should I be using some sort of comparison function. Somebody said maybe use L2Same - what is it and does anyone know how i would use it?

