I am taking a compiler design course and we are using yacc and lex for the parser and scanner. I keep getting a seg fault in an unexpected place and I was wondering if anyone here could help me track down the problem.

I will just post the .y file and the tree.c files for now because they are long, but I can post more if need be.

When I use gdb to track down the seg fault, it tells me that the problem is with my .y file, in line 74, which is the { $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; } section of the state_decls production. I cannot figure out why there is a problem here, and I could use some advice, even if that advice is just a better way to find the source of my problem.

The .y file:
#include "tree.h"

extern tree root;
tree BuildTree(int, tree, tree, tree);
tree BuildIntTree(int, int);
tree BuildFloatTree(int, float);

%token <i>	Ident 1 IntConst 2 
%token <f>	RealConst 3
%token 		Var 11 Int 12 Real 13 Boolean 14 Record 15
%token 		End 16 Bind 17 To 18 Assert 19 Begin 20
%token 		Loop 21 Exit 22 When 23 If 24 Then 25
%token 		Elsif 26 Else 27 Put 28 Or 29 And 30
%token 		Not 31 NotEq 32 Div 33 Mod 34
%token 		SemiColon 40 Colon 41 Assign 42 Gt 43 Lt 44
%token 		Eq 45 Lte 46 Gte 47 Plus 48 Minus 49
%token 		Star 50 Slash 51 Dot 52 Comma 53 LParen 54 RParen 55

%start program

%union { tree t; int i; float f; }

%type <t>	program pStateDeclSeq id_list type field_list state_decls
%type <t>	declaration statement ref end_if expr and_expr not_expr
%type <t>	rel_expr sum prod factor basic


	: pStateDeclSeq
		{ root = $1; }

	: /* nullable */
		{ $$ = NULL; }
	| statement SemiColon pStateDeclSeq
		{ $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; }
	| Var id_list Colon type SemiColon pStateDeclSeq
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Var, $2, $4, $6); }

	: Ident
		{ $$ = BuildIntTree(Ident, $1); }
	| Ident Comma id_list
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Comma, BuildIntTree(Ident, $1), $3, NULL); }

	: Int
		{ $$ = BuildIntTree(Int, $<i>1); }
	| Real
		{ $$ = BuildFloatTree(Real, $<f>1); }
	| Boolean
		{ $$ = BuildIntTree(Boolean, $<i>1); }
	| Record field_list End Record
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Record, $2, BuildTree(End, NULL, NULL, NULL), BuildTree(Record, NULL, NULL, NULL)); }

	: id_list Colon type
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Colon, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| id_list Colon type SemiColon field_list
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Colon, $1, $3, $5); }

	: /* nullable */
		{ $$ = NULL; }
	| statement SemiColon pStateDeclSeq
		{ $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; }
	| declaration SemiColon pStateDeclSeq
		{ $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; }

	: Var id_list Colon type
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Var, $2, $4, NULL); }
	| Bind Ident To ref
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Bind, BuildIntTree(Ident, $2), BuildTree(To, $4, NULL, NULL), NULL); }
	| Bind Var Ident To ref
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Bind, BuildTree(Var, BuildIntTree(Ident, $3), NULL, NULL), BuildTree(To, $5, NULL, 

	: ref Assign expr
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Assign, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| Assert expr
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Assert, $2, NULL, NULL); }
	| Begin state_decls End
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Begin, $2, BuildTree(End, NULL, NULL, NULL), NULL); }
	| Loop state_decls End Loop
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Loop, $2, BuildTree(End, NULL, NULL, NULL), BuildTree(Loop, NULL, NULL, NULL)); }
	| Exit
		{ $$ = NULL; }
	| Exit When expr
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Exit, BuildTree(When, $3, NULL, NULL), NULL, NULL); }
	| If expr Then state_decls end_if
		{ $$ = BuildTree(If, $2, BuildTree(Then, $4, $5, NULL), NULL); }

	: Ident
		{ $$ = BuildIntTree(Ident, $1); }
	| Ident Dot Ident
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Dot, BuildIntTree(Ident, $1), BuildIntTree(Ident, $3), NULL); }

	: End If
		{ $$ = NULL; }
	| Else state_decls End If
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Else, $2, NULL, NULL); }
	| Elsif expr Then state_decls end_if
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Elsif, $2, $4, $5); }

	: expr Or and_expr
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Or, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| and_expr
		{ $$ = $1; }

	: and_expr And not_expr
		{ $$ = BuildTree(And, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| not_expr
		{ $$ = $1; }

	: Not not_expr
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Not, $2, NULL, NULL); }
	| rel_expr
		{ $$ = $1; }

	: sum
		{ $$ = $1; }
	| rel_expr Eq sum
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Eq, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| rel_expr NotEq sum
		{ $$ = BuildTree(NotEq, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| rel_expr Lt sum
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Lt, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| rel_expr Lte sum
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Lte, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| rel_expr Gt sum
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Gt, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| rel_expr Gte sum
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Gte, $1, $3, NULL); }

	: prod
		{ $$ = $1; }
	| sum Plus prod
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Plus, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| sum Minus prod
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Minus, $1, $3, NULL); }

	: factor
		{ $$ = $1; }
	| prod Star factor
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Star, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| prod Slash factor
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Slash, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| prod Div factor
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Div, $1, $3, NULL); }
	| prod Mod factor
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Mod, $1, $3, NULL); }

	: Plus basic
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Plus, $2, NULL, NULL); }
	| Minus basic
		{ $$ = BuildTree(Minus, $2, NULL, NULL); }
	| basic
		{ $$ = $1; }

	: ref
		{ $$ = $1; }
	| LParen expr RParen
		{ $$ = $2; }
	| IntConst
		{ $$ = BuildIntTree(IntConst, $1); }
	| RealConst
		{ $$ = BuildFloatTree(RealConst, $1); }

The tree.c file:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tree.h"

tree BuildTree(int k, tree f1, tree s2, tree t3)
	tree t;
	t = (tree)malloc(sizeof(node));

	t->kind = k;
	t->first = f1;
	t->second = s2;
	t->third = t3;
	t->next = NULL;

	return t;

tree BuildIntTree(int k, int v)
	tree t;
	t = (tree)malloc(sizeof(node));
	t->kind = k;
	t->value = v;
	t->first = NULL;
	t->second = NULL;
	t->third = NULL;
	t->next = NULL;

	return t;

tree BuildFloatTree(int k, float v)
	tree t;
	t = (tree)malloc(sizeof(node));

	t->kind = k;
	t->value = v;
	t->first = NULL;
	t->second = NULL;
	t->third = NULL;
	t->next = NULL;

	return t;

void PrintTree(tree t, int indent)
	int i;
	char str[]="--|";

	if(t != NULL)
		printf("%d\n", t->value);
		PrintTree(t->first, indent+1);
		PrintTree(t->second, indent+1);
		PrintTree(t->third, indent+1);