i have written the code for searching and insertion in a binary search tree...i understood most of the things in that but there are some doubts which i would be very grateful if u could make me understand about them....
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct node {
  int data;
  struct node *left;
  struct node *right;

int search ( struct node *tree, int key )
  if ( tree == NULL ) {
    return 0;
  } else if ( key == tree->data ) {
    return 1;
  } else if ( key < tree->data ) {
    return search ( tree->left, key );
  } else {
    return search ( tree->right, key );

struct node *insert ( struct node *tree, int key )
  if ( tree == NULL ) {
    tree = malloc ( sizeof *tree );
    if ( tree == NULL )
      return tree;

    tree->data = key;
    tree->left = tree->right = NULL;
  } else if ( key < tree->data ) {
    tree->left = insert ( tree->left, key );
  } else {
    tree->right = insert ( tree->right, key );

  return tree;

void pretty_print ( struct node *tree, int level )
  if ( tree == NULL ) {
    printf ( "" );
  } else {
    pretty_print ( tree->right, level + 1 );
    printf ( "%d", tree->data );
    pretty_print ( tree->left, level + 1 );
void inorder_print ( struct node *tree )
  if ( tree == NULL )

  inorder_print ( tree->left );
  printf ( "%-4d", tree->data );
  inorder_print ( tree->right );

int main ( void )
  struct node *tree = NULL;
  int i, n = 0;

  for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
    tree = insert ( tree, rand() % 100 );
printf("the tree is");
  pretty_print ( tree, 0 );
  printf ( "\n the tree in inorder traversal is:\n");
  inorder_print ( tree );
  for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
    if ( search ( tree, i ) != 0 ) {
      printf ( "%-4d", i );
        printf ( "\n%d numbers found", n );


  return 0;
the tree is:
the tree in inorder traversal is:
0 numbers found17
1 numbers found26
2 numbers found30
3 numbers found46
4 numbers found48
5 numbers found56
6 numbers found82
7 numbers found90
8 numbers found95
9 numbers found
i tried to write the above code but i have some doubts,i hope you would help me out,which are as follows:
--now why is it taking the random numbers by itself and taking from th user,is it becoz of the ran()%100 function?what is it doing over there?i want to take inputs from the user,how will i do that?
--also i could not understand the logic on how to take the inorder traversal while running the program,although i know how does it work that is by first taking left child ,the root and then the right child....but could u plz help me out in finding which is my right child ,root and left child while running the program?
--how would i know that the number is not found?what would i write in the above program for that?
--and in our main() function the second time we are using our foor loop could u plz tell me why have we taken i<100 over there?why are wetaking it till 100?
i would be really grateful if u can make me understand about those doubts.