Hi, I have made a function that takes a pointer to a string, and the strings length and cleans out all the rubbish and adds a terminating null so that I can use the string without possible problems.

The function works fine appart from the code to copy the new string back over-writing the old one at the end. I think I have gone about it in the wrong way but strings confuse me a bit still.

Here is the function, but I am sure its the stuff under the "Now put the cleaned up string back again" comment thats the problem.

void fix_string(int length, char *old_string)
    int i, j;
    char new_string[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    /* Loose the extra off the end of a long name */
    if (length >= MAX_NAME_LENGTH)
        length = MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
    /* Put only the letters and numbers into the new name */    
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < length; i++)
        if( isalnum(old_string[i]) )
            new_string[j++] = old_string[i];
            printf("Woopdy blody do\n");
    /* Add the terminating null character */
    new_string[j] = '\0';
    printf("test: %s\n", new_string);
    /* Now put the cleaned up string back again */
    while (new_string[i] != '\0')
        old_string[i] = new_string[i];
    old_string[i] = '\0';