This is my first attempt at writing a menu. I can't get it to return after the if statement for yes, and I can't get it to do the else statement for no if you answer no the 2nd time around. The total doesn't work either. Can someone please give me a heads up? You might want to compile it to see what I'm talking about. Thanks

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
char answer[20];
char answer2[20];
char choiceone[20];
char choicetwo[20];
float total;
float choice1 = 0.95;
float choice2 = 1.25;
float choice3 = 1.00;

printf("May I take your order today?\n\r");
printf("Choice1: Fries .95\n\r");
printf("Choice2: Cheese burger $1.25\n\r");
printf("Choice3: Lemonade $1.00\n\r");
printf("Those are your choices! Choose Choice1, Choice2 or Choice3 please.\n\r", choiceone);

if (strcmp (choiceone, "choice1"))
	total + choice1;
if (strcmp(choiceone, "choice2"))
	total + choice2;
if (strcmp (choiceone, "choice3"))
	total + choice3;

printf("You've chosen %s.\n\r", choiceone);
printf("Would you like something else?\n\r", answer);
scanf("%s", answer);

if (!strcmp (answer, "yes"))
	printf("Choice1: Fries .95\n\r");
	printf("Choice2: Cheese burger $1.25\n\r");
	printf("Choice3: Lemonade $1.00\n\r");
	printf("Those are your choices! Choose one of those please.\n\r", choiceone);

	printf("You've chosen %s.\n\r", choiceone);
	scanf("%s", choiceone);
	printf("Anything else for you today?\n\r", answer);

else if (!strcmp (answer, "no"))
	printf("Your total comes to %f", &total);

return 0;