In a function I'm having three loops, that are nested. But something's not working, and it's driving me nuts! Is there a limit for how long a loop can be, or how many loops that can be nested?

My program is supposed to do the following:
- loop while user wants to continue
- generate a random number, which repsesents a random line in a file
- fgets() a line, checks if this line is the same as the random number (if the line is correct, in other words)
- split this line, print out half, get input and check input against first half of line
- loop inner loop until correct or ! is pressed

The code is very buggy, but this is what I've got so far. The looping is all wrong, but I've corrected it so many times I can't think of anything else. Also, I'm not sure if this is the best way at all to do what I'm trying to do. All input hightly appreciated.

	while(1) {
		/* a random line to start off with */
		randnum = returnRand(lines);
		printf("%d %d\n", randnum, readline); /* for debugging */
		/* reads one line at the time */
		while(fgets(buff, FILEBUFFER, file) != NULL) {
			if(randnum == readline) {
				if(buff[0] == '#') { /* line is comment, ignore */
                                   readline = 1;
				} else if(buff[0] == '\n') { /* line is empty, ignore */
					readline = 1;
				} else if(buff[0] == ' ') { /* line is probably empty, we'll ignore it */
					readline = 1;
				} else {
					left = strtok(buff, "=");
					right = strtok(NULL, " ");
					/* BUGGY */
					if(readline != lines) {
						right[strlen(right) -1] = '\0';
					/* this loop works as it should */
					while(1) {
						printf("%s = ", left);
						fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
						input[strlen(input) -1] = '\0';
						if(strcmp(input,right) == 0) {
						} else if(strcmp(input,"!") == 0) {
						} else {
							printf("Not correct!\n");
					} /* end inner loop */

		} /* end middle loop */
	} /* end outer loop  */