hi all,
i want to read strings from a file and store them in a binary search tree. i can print the strings to the screen, but when i try to store them in the tree, only last string is stored in the root of the tree, others vanish. code is below

#include <stdio.h>
//#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
//#include <string> --cpp only

typedef struct BinaryNode
	char* data;
	struct BinaryNode* left;
	struct BinaryNode* right;


nodeType* root = NULL;
void insertToTree(char*);

nodeType* insertToNode(char*, nodeType*);

int isEmpty();

void printTree();

void printNode(nodeType*);

int main()
	FILE* inputFile = fopen("deneme.txt", "r");	
	char* lino;

	while( !feof(inputFile)){	
		char line[10];
		lino = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));
		lino = fgets(line, sizeof(line), inputFile); 
		insertToTree( lino  );
	printf("printing whole tree \n");
                return 0;	

void insertToTree(char* x)
	root = insertToNode(x, root);

nodeType* insertToNode(char* x, nodeType* t){
	if (t == NULL) {
		t = ( nodeType * )malloc(sizeof( nodeType ) );		
		t->data = x;
		t->left = NULL;
		t->right = NULL; 

	else if(strcmp(x, t->data) < 0){
		t->left = insertToNode(x, t->left);


	else if(strcmp(x, t->data) > 0){

		t->right = insertToNode(x, t->right);


	return t;

void printTree(){
	if( isEmpty( ) != 0)
		printf( "Empty tree\n" );
        printNode( root );	

int isEmpty( )
	int TRUE = 5;
	int FALSE = 0;
	if (root == NULL)
		return TRUE;
		return FALSE;

void printNode( nodeType* t )
	if( t != NULL )
		printNode( t->left );
        printf("data: %s\n", t->data );
        printNode( t->right );