Ok im just starting to learn the ncurses api and have been experimenting

#include <ncurses.h>

int main()
	printw("Hello World");
	return 0;
The hello world program they show you printw is a ncurses print and still not quite sure on how it works exactly yet however if I change printw to say puts or printf Hello World doesnt display.

Now ive been going through the man pages and the main ncurses tutorial (http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/NCURSES-Pro...elloworld.html), now it doesnt state that you can or cant use the standard functions Im guessing by the experiement and the result I got (a blank screen) i have to use the ncurses printf version.

Now firstly is it possible, i probably already answered my question and if I have does anyone know of a link just to verify why this happens ive been searching and unfortunately cant find anything which states the stdio functions dont work.