Hi Guys,

Im trying to write a small function that when called will print out any records currently held in the struct.

If there are no records being held then a message will say no records.

If there are records then they will be displayed.

The code I have attempted runs but loops through all the code and displays the Max records all blank.........

I wondered if anyone could guide me a little.

Im using Borland 4.5 On WinXP

Regards as ever

void display_all(void)
 int key;
 int loop=0;

    while(loop < MAX)

     if(my_database[loop].reg_no !="\0")
    printf("\nReg ID        : %s\n",my_database[loop].reg_no);
    printf("\nFirst Name    : %s\n",my_database[loop].fname);
    printf("\nSurname       : %s\n",my_database[loop].sname);
    printf("\nCredits       : %d\n",my_database[loop].credit);
    printf("--------------------------------------------- ");
