Thread: remove recursion

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    Registered User Micko's Avatar
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    remove recursion

    Hello, I'm writing function for determining height of a binary search tree.

    Height of a tree is (max number of nodes on the longest path -1).
    I wrote code and it seems it works fine. Basic algorithm is to visit nodes, place nodes on a stack and increase counter every time when something is pushed on a stack. When nothing is pushed on a stack counter is not increased. Counter needs to be reseted when search switch to roots right subtree.
                           /  \
    	              /    \
                         /      \
    		    /        \
                       /          \
    		  /            \
    	         6	        16
                    / \              \
    	       1  10              17
    stack is:
    {12},{16,6},{16,10,1},{16,10},{16},{17} (reset counter to 1),{25},{21},{18}
    Here's the code:

    int height(node* root)
    	int max=0;
    	int counter=0;
    	node* stack[50]; /* stack of nodes, assumption 50 is sufficient*/
    	int p=0,push;
    	node* walk;
    	if(root == NULL)
    		return -1;
    	stack[p++] = root;
    	while(p > 0)
    		push = 0;/* flag indicate that node is pushed on the stack*/ 
    		walk = stack[--p];
    		if(walk->left || walk->right)/* node(s) will be pushed on the stack*/
    			counter++;/* increment counter*/
    			if(max < counter)
    				max = counter;
    		if(walk->right != NULL)
    			stack[p++] = walk->right;
    			push = 1;/* indicate push operation*/
    		if(walk->left != NULL)
    			stack[p++] = walk->left;
    			push = 1;
    		if(p==1 && push == 0)/* reset counter - start counting in the root's right subtree*/
    	return max;
    I think this does the job, but if you can examine and give me advice if something can be done different (i.e. more efficient)

    I have recursive code:
    int height(struct node* node) {
    	if (node==NULL) {
    	else {
    	/* compute the depth of each subtree*/
    	int lDepth = height(node->left);
    	int rDepth = height(node->right);
    	/*use the larger one*/
    	if (lDepth > rDepth) return(lDepth+1);
    	else return(rDepth+1);
    What I was trying is to remove recursion and wonder if there is some general procedure for removing recursion.
    Each time I need to rewrite recursive function to iterative I spend a lot of time debugging. There must be some general procedure, or at least some special cases where this job is straightforward. Can you help me with this issue?
    Last edited by Micko; 01-08-2005 at 11:27 AM. Reason: typing errors

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