Quote Originally Posted by Dave_Sinkula
I didn't get any output because get_itinerary returned 0 running through your example. Shouldn't the counter be incremented before the break?
Correct. It was a last minute change on the IDE that I forgot to report on my editor from wher I do the copy and paste.
And wouldn't it be better to consistently use size_t for the counter?

Last version:
 * Purpose:  Design an airline reservation structure that contains the
 *           following data:
 * Flight Number
 * Originating Airport Code (3 characters)
 * Destination Airport Code (3 characters)
 * Starting time
 * Arrival time
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

struct itinerary
   int flight;                  /* Flight number                */
   char origin_airport[4];      /* Airport of origin            */
   char dest_airport[4];        /* Destination airport          */
   int start_time;              /* Time of start of flight      */
   int arrival_time;            /* Time of arrival              */

static void print_itinerary (struct itinerary const *list, size_t counter)
   size_t i;                    /* Index to cycle through the program   */

   for (i = 0; i < counter; i++)
      struct itinerary const *p = list + i;

      printf ("Flight:             %d\n", p->flight);
      printf ("Origin Airport:     %s\n", p->origin_airport);
      printf ("Desination Airport  %s\n", p->dest_airport);
      printf ("Start:              %d\n", p->start_time);
      printf ("Arrive:             %d\n", p->arrival_time);
      printf ("\n");


static size_t get_itinerary (struct itinerary *list, size_t nb)
   char line[10];               /* Input from the user                  */
   size_t counter = 0;             /* Counter for loop starts at zero      */

   while (counter < nb)
      struct itinerary *p = list + counter;


      printf ("Enter the flight number      : ");
      fgets (line, sizeof line, stdin);
      sscanf (line, "%d", &p->flight);

      printf ("Enter the airport origin     : ");
      fgets (line, sizeof line, stdin);
      *p->origin_airport = 0;
      strncat (p->origin_airport, line, sizeof p->origin_airport - 1);

      printf ("Enter the destination airport: ");
      fgets (line, sizeof line, stdin);
      *p->dest_airport = 0;
      strncat (p->dest_airport, line, sizeof p->dest_airport - 1);

      printf ("Enter the start time         : ");
      fgets (line, sizeof line, stdin);
      sscanf (line, "%d", &p->start_time);

      printf ("Enter the arrival time       : ");
      fgets (line, sizeof line, stdin);
      sscanf (line, "%d", &p->arrival_time);

      printf ("Do you wish to enter another flight? (<enter>=yes or n=no) ");
      fgets (line, sizeof line, stdin);
         char quit;             /* Variable used to exit loop           */
         sscanf (line, "%c", &quit);
         if (quit == 'n')
   return counter;

int main ()
      MAX_ENTRIES = 50
   };                           /* Max number of stucts to create       */
   struct itinerary list[MAX_ENTRIES];  /* Array of structures for data         */

   size_t counter = get_itinerary (list, MAX_ENTRIES);

   print_itinerary (list, counter);
   (void) getchar ();
   return 0;