Thread: Reading indeterminate length line from file

  1. #16
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Hm... what are some other interesting ways...
    1) Open in binary mode.
    2) Make a "start" marker, initially set to zero.
    3) Scan through until you find the linewine, incrementing a counter.
    4) Seek back to the start marker.
    5) Malloc a block based on your counter's size (allow for null if you feel like it).
    6) fread into your block.
    7) Skip the newline as it appears in your file. (\n) (\n\r) (\r)
    8) Set the start marker to here and reset your counter.
    9) Repeat until bored.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  2. #17
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    On my NetBSD machine, there is a function called fgetln(). I'm confused of whether this does the indeterminate allocation for you, though.

    I haven't written the algorithm of how to read in a line using strcat() and strcpy(), but I suppose you could use a loop and keep on reading chunks at a time, allocate a new string with the size of the chunk just read plus the original size of the string, use strcpy() to copy the old string to the new buffer, and then use strcat() to append the buffer to the string just read in. Would this be more efficient than using realloc() and malloc() considering that realloc() and malloc() are system calls?

  3. #18
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /* a linked list of line fragments */
    typedef struct foo_tag {
      char buff[10];
      struct foo_tag *next;
    } foo;
    foo *newnode ( void ) {
      foo *new = malloc ( sizeof *new );
      if ( new ) {
        new->next = NULL;
      return new;
    foo *read_long_line ( FILE *fp ) {
      foo *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
      foo *this = NULL;
      this = newnode();
      while ( this && fgets( this->buff, sizeof this->buff, fp ) != NULL ) {
        if ( head == NULL ) {
          head = tail = this;
        } else {
          tail->next = this;
          tail = this;
        if ( !strchr(this->buff,'\n') ) {
          this = newnode(); /* no newline yet - prepare for more */
        } else {
          this = NULL;      /* th th that's all folks */
      free( this );
      return head;
    void print_long_line ( foo *line ) {
      while ( line ) {
        printf( "'%s'\n", line->buff );
        line = line->next;
    int main ( ) {
      foo *myline = read_long_line( stdin );
      print_long_line( myline );
      return 0;
    $ ./a.exe
    hey there, what do you think of this long line reading function?
    'hey there'
    ', what do'
    ' you thin'
    'k of this'
    ' long lin'
    'e reading'
    ' function'
    Copying the linked list of line fragments to a single large buffer, and freeing the list are left as easy exercises for the reader

  4. #19
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
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    >Would this be more efficient than using realloc() and malloc() considering that realloc() and malloc() are system calls?
    Would it matter at all since device I/O is about as slow as it gets? If you want you can use a linked list of buffers and the efficiency of your list building code, string building code, and list destruction code put together would probably pale in comparison to the time consumed by the I/O itself.

    Hmm, Salem and I had the same idea at roughly the same time...
    Last edited by Prelude; 12-10-2004 at 08:06 AM.
    My best code is written with the delete key.

  5. #20
    Registered User
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    Salem, that looks good. But is what Quzah suggested a better option?

  6. #21
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
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    >But is what Quzah suggested a better option?
    Try them both and see.
    My best code is written with the delete key.

  7. #22
    Registered User
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    I'm doing what Quzah suggested, and I'm noticing that '\n' is added to every file. This is evident when I run my program on a one line file and print out something whenever '\n' is encountered (I'm reading one character at a time). Does that happen with everyone else? That doesn't seem right to me.

  8. #23
    & the hat of GPL slaying Thantos's Avatar
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    You really can't ask if Quzah's or Salem's idea is the better idea. This is because its subjective on what you you think is better. Until you decide on the parameters there is no way to determine the better algorithm.

  9. #24
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    I wasn't suggesting it, so much as simply providing yet one more way to do it. The only reason I posted is to show that there are many ways to do something. Not necessarily that it is a good way, but simply that the way itself exists.

    "The Philosophies of C", Page 42, by Quzah.
    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  10. #25
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    >"The Philosophies of C", Page 42, by Quzah.
    Can I get a copy?

  11. #26
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    But why is there a newline character at the end of a one-line file as per my last post?

  12. #27
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Because that's part of the definition of a text file.
    Variable length records delimited by newlines

  13. #28
    Registered User
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    Here's what I came up. I'm not sure if my implementation of the seek algorithm is the best.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /* a linked list of line fragments */
    typedef struct foo_tag {
      char buff[10];
      struct foo_tag *next;
    } foo;
    foo *newnode ( void ) {
      foo *new = malloc ( sizeof *new );
      if ( new ) {
        new->next = NULL;
      return new;
    foo *read_long_line ( FILE *fp, int *num_nodes ) {
      foo *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
      foo *this = NULL;
      char *eol;
      *num_nodes = 1;
      this = newnode();
      while ( this && fgets( this->buff, sizeof this->buff, fp ) != NULL ) {
        if ( head == NULL ) {
          head = tail = this;
        } else {
          tail->next = this;
          tail = this;
        if ( !(eol = strchr(this->buff,'\n') )) {
          this = newnode(); /* no newline yet - prepare for more */
        } else {
          *eol = 0; // replace newline with NULL character
          this = NULL;      /* th th that's all folks */
      free( this );
      return head;
    void print_long_line ( foo *line ) {
      while ( line ) {
        printf( "'%s'\n", line->buff );
        line = line->next;
    char *pack_line(foo *line, int num_nodes)
     foo *head = line;
     char *ln = (char *) malloc(num_nodes*9 + 1); // buff holds nine char string
     int length, i, j = 0;
      length = strlen(head->buff);
      for(i = 0; i < length; i++, j++)
       ln[j] = head->buff[i];
      head = head->next;
     ln[j] = '\0';
     return ln;   
    int main (int argc, char **argv) {
      FILE *fp;
      int num_nodes;
      char *line;
      int i;
      foo *myline;
      for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
       fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
       while((myline = read_long_line( fp, &num_nodes )))
        line = pack_line(myline, num_nodes);
        printf("%s\n", line);
      return 0;
    #include <stdio.h>
    char *getline(FILE *fp)
     char *line;
     char ch;
     int start;
     int end;
     start = ftell(fp); // get the initial file pointer
      fread(&ch, 1, 1, fp);
     }while(!feof(fp) && ch != '\n');
      return (char *) 0;
     end = ftell(fp);
     fseek(fp, -(end - start), SEEK_CUR); // go back to where start was
     line = (char *) malloc(end - start);
     fgets(line, end - start, fp);
     fseek(fp, 1, SEEK_CUR); // move ahead of the newline character
     return line;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     FILE *fp;
     char *line;
     int i;
     for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
      while((line = getline(fp)))
       printf("%s\n", line);
     return 1;
    ymalik-> gcc -o seek seek.c
    ymalik-> gcc -o list list.c
    ymalik-> /usr/bin/time ./seek b
    9.96 real 0.88 user 0.25 sys
    ymalik-> /usr/bin/time ./list b
    9.74 real 0.64 user 0.25 sys

  14. #29
    Registered User
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    I realized I didn't free the linked list.

  15. #30
    Registered User
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    Sep 2003
    I fixed the memory leek. The linked list version is still a little faster.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /* a linked list of line fragments */
    typedef struct foo_tag {
      char buff[10];
      struct foo_tag *next;
    } foo;
    foo *newnode ( void ) {
      foo *new = malloc ( sizeof *new );
      if ( new ) {
        new->next = NULL;
      return new;
    foo *read_long_line ( FILE *fp, int *num_nodes ) {
      foo *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
      foo *this = NULL;
      char *eol;
      *num_nodes = 1;
      this = newnode();
      while ( this && fgets( this->buff, sizeof this->buff, fp ) != NULL ) {
        if ( head == NULL ) {
          head = tail = this;
        } else {
          tail->next = this;
          tail = this;
        if ( !(eol = strchr(this->buff,'\n') )) {
          this = newnode(); /* no newline yet - prepare for more */
        } else {
          *eol = 0; // replace newline with NULL character
          this = NULL;      /* th th that's all folks */
      free( this );
      return head;
    void print_long_line ( foo *line ) {
      while ( line ) {
        printf( "'%s'\n", line->buff );
        line = line->next;
    char *pack_line(foo *line, int num_nodes)
     foo *head = line;
     char *ln = (char *) malloc(num_nodes*9 + 1); // buff holds nine char string
     int length, i, j = 0;
      length = strlen(head->buff);
      for(i = 0; i < length; i++, j++)
       ln[j] = head->buff[i];
      head = head->next;
     ln[j] = '\0';
     return ln;   
    int main (int argc, char **argv) {
      FILE *fp;
      int num_nodes;
      char *line;
      int i;
      foo *myline, *head;
      for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
       fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
       while((myline = read_long_line( fp, &num_nodes )))
        line = pack_line(myline, num_nodes);
        printf("%s\n", line);
        head = myline;
         myline = myline->next;
         head = myline;
      return 0;

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