Thread: Problem w/ Bubble Sort

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Problem w/ Bubble Sort

    I am having a small problem with my bubble sort. It will read the file print the current file then maybe or or maybe not does not go into my bubblesort funcion then closes. But i need it to print back out the sorted data. Any ideas and or suggestions please feel free to post. Code is below.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define TRUE 1
    #define FALSE 0
    void bubblesort(char x[][16], char y[][7],int N);
    void printlist(char x[][16], char y[][7]);
    	char name1[25][16], name2[25][7];
    	int i, N;
    	FILE *fin, *fout;
        fin =fopen("A:\\BubbleSortIn.txt","r");
    		 printf("|| Here Is The Unsorted List ||\n\n");
    		 while(fscanf(fin,"%s %s",name1[i],name2[i]) != EOF)
    		   printf("%-17s\t%-7s\n",name1[i], name2[i]);
    			  fprintf(fout,"%-17s\t%-7s\n",name1[i], name2[i]);
    			  i = i + 1;
    		 printf("\n|| Here Is The Sorted List ||\n\n");
    		 bubblesort(name1, name2, N);
    		 printlist(name1, name2);
    void bubblesort(char x[][16], char y[][7],int N)
       int I, J ,J_End;
       char Hold_it_x[16], Hold_it_y[7];
       int Done;
       J_End = N - 1;
       Done = FALSE;
       I = 0;
       while ((I < N-1) && (!Done))
             Done = TRUE;
             J = 0;
             while (J < J_End )
                   if ( strcmp(x[J], x[J+1])> 0)
                         strcpy(Hold_it_x , x[J]);
                         strcpy( x[J], x[J+1]);
                         strcpy(x[J+1], Hold_it_x);
                         strcpy(Hold_it_y, y[J]);
                         strcpy(y[J], y[J+1]);
                         strcpy(y[J+1], Hold_it_y);
                         Done = FALSE;
                   J = J + 1;
             J_End = J_End - 1;
             I = I + 1;
    void printlist(char name1[][16], char name2[][7])
    int i=0;
    int N=0;
       while(i < N)
          printf("%-17s\t%-7s\n",name1[i], name2[i]);
           i = i + 1;

  2. #2
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Why aren't you using a structure to store both of those names? It would be way less confusing to read. Also, you say it "may or may not" be going into your bubble sort function. How about adding some handy dandy printf lines to debug your code?
    		 printf("\n|| Here Is The Sorted List ||\n\n");
    printf("Entering bubblesort...\n");fflush(stdout);
    		 bubblesort(name1, name2, N);
    printf("bubblesort has returned.\n");fflush(stdout);
    		 printlist(name1, name2);
    void bubblesort(char x[][16], char y[][7],int N)
       int I, J ,J_End;
       char Hold_it_x[16], Hold_it_y[7];
       int Done;
       J_End = N - 1;
       Done = FALSE;
       I = 0;
    printf("In bubblesort, beginning sort...\n");fflush(stdout);
             I = I + 1;
    printf("Bubblesort finished...\n");fflush(stdout);
    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    You know the sad thing is I should have known to do what you suggested. Sometimes it takes a child to open adult’s eyes. Thanks ill get right on that when I get home. Thank you much.

  4. #4
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    >Sometimes it takes a child to open adult’s eyes.
    That's an interesting choice of words. Anyway, why are you using bubble sort? Insertion sort is much easier and it's more efficient too.
    My best code is written with the delete key.

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