Hello I need some help, I would like to scan integers from a text file that has both characters and integers.

This is the text file:

Peter Koffman 57 82 97
Caryn Limonson 83 87 92
George Siacoura 75 87 32
Shirl Urys 95 72 88
When I scan for integers, it scans the characters as well, and converts them into int >_________>. I try to do a caclulation (add the integers up) and end up with a number like this:

Here's the statement I was using (note all variables have been defined):

FILE *in_fpt
FILE *out_fpt

fscanf(in_fpt, "%d%d%d", &scr1, &scr2, &scr3);
Ovsiously that would not work, so I tried to do a while statement, here's the whole code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

FILE *in_fpt, *out_fpt;             //fpt = file pointer//

void copy_cat(FILE*, FILE*);        //will copy the information via strings//
float avg_calc(FILE*);   //will calculate averages//

    in_fpt = fopen("tests.txt", "r");
    out_fpt = fopen("copy_cat.txt", "w+");
    fprintf(out_fpt, "Names                  Scr 1   Scr 2   Scr 3      Average\n\n");    //heading//
    fprintf(out_fpt, "%d", avg_calc(in_fpt));
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

void copy_cat(FILE *in_fpt, FILE *out_fpt)
    char storage[99];

float avg_calc(FILE *in)
    int scr1, scr2, scr3;      //scores on tests//
    int tot1, tot2, tot3;      //total score for test 1, 2, 3.//
    float scr_avg, tot_avg;    //average for each student, average for each test// 

    char test;    //tests for new line character and/or EOF//

    while( 0 < (test = fgetc(in)) < 9 ){ 
    /*check to see that the scanned character is 0<x<9 to make sure it is an int*/
        fscanf(in, "%d %d %d", &scr1, &scr2, &scr2);
        scr_avg = (scr1 + scr2 + scr3);
        /*tot1 +=scr1;
        tot2 +=scr2;
        tot3 +=scr3;*/

        if( (test = fgetc(in)) == '\n'){        //exit statement when the line has ended//        
            else( 0 > (test = fgetc(in)) > 9){//force statment to run even if char is scanned//
            } //closes the else statment//  
        } //closes the if statment//    
   } //closes the while statement//
   return scr_avg;        

Im having problems compiling the above so anyaway, let me ask a more concrete question;

Is there a way to test what data type has been aquired via scanf, as in that I scanned in an integer and not a character?

That way I can created a condition while(scanf() = integer) do this and that.

Thank you for the help.