I've been working on this program for school for the last little while and I don't really have anybody around who could help me, so I was wondering if I could get some help. My teacher isn't the best and the text book is terrible so I don't really have much to go by in the way of debugging it, anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is my code so far:

#include <stdio.h>

float wd(float*, char*[], float*);
float dep(float*, char*[], float*);
float bpm(float*, char*[], float*);
void PrintResults(float, float, float, float, int, int, int, char[], char[], char[], float, float, float);
void main(void)
float balance, wd1, dep1, bpm1, wdbal, depbal, bpmbal;
char junk, cont, wddate[15], depdate[15], bpmdate[15], trans1[5], trans2[5], trans3[5];
int trans;

printf("Please type the last balance as float: \n");
scanf("%f", &balance);
scanf("%c", &junk);
printf("Transactions \n");
printf("Please type Y to continue or N to stop: \n");
scanf("%c", &cont);
while (cont != 'N')
printf("Please type 1 for Withdrawl, 2 for deposit, or 3 for Bill Payment \n");
scanf("%d", &trans);
if (trans == 1)
wdbal = wd(&balance, &wddate, &wd1);
                  trans1 = "wd";
else if (trans == 2)
depbal = dep(&balance, &depdate, &dep1);
                        trans2 = "dep";
else if (trans == 3)
bpmbal = bpm(&balance, &bpmdate, &bpm1); 
                        trans3 = "bpm";
printf("Unknown transaction type \n");
scanf("%c", &junk);
printf("Please type Y to continue or N to stop: \n");
scanf("%c", &cont);
PrintResults(wdbal, depbal, bpmbal, balance, trans1, trans2, trans3, wddate, depdate, bpmdate, wd1, dep1, bpm1)
float wd(float *balance, char *wddate[], float *wd1)
printf("Please enter the date of withdrawl \n");
scanf("%s", &wddate);
float wdbal;
printf("Please enter the amount to withdrawl: \n");
scanf("%f", &wd1);
wdbal = balance - wd1;
balance = balance - wd1;
return wdbal;
float dep(float *balance, char *depdate[], float *dep1)
printf("Please enter the date of deposit \n");
scanf("%s", &depdate);
float depbal;
printf("Please enter the amount to deposit: \n");
scanf("%f", &dep1);
depbal = balance + dep1;
balance = balance + dep1;
return depbal;
float bpm(float *balance, char *bpmdate[],float *bpm1)
printf("Please enter the date of bill payment \n");
scanf("%s", &depdate);
float bpm1, bpmbal;
printf("Please enter the amount to be paid to bills: \n");
scanf("%f", &bpm1);
depbal = balance - bpm1;
balance = balance bpm1;
return bpmbal;
void PrintResults(float wdbal, float depbal,float bpmbal,float balance,char trans1[],char trans2[],char trans3[],char wddate[],char depdate[],char bpmdate[], float wd1, float dep1, float bpm1)
printf("Date            Type            Amount          Balance");
printf("%s              %s                $%.2f           $%.2f \n", wddate, trans1, wd1, wdbal);
printf("%s              %s                 $%.2f           $%.2f \n", depdate, trans2, dep1, depbal);
printf("%s                %s               $%.2f           $%.2f \n", bpmdate, trans3, bpm1, bpmbal);
printf("Current balance: $%.2f", balance);
the program is supposed to first take the balance in a bank account, then ask if there are transactions, if yes it goes into the loop and asks what type of transactions. When a type is entered the specific funtion is supposed to take place and then the balance's are returned. After there are no more transactions the print function is to take place. However, I have a lot of errors and we were never really taught as to what they meant. I will list the errors:

"Text1.c", line 26: warning: argument #2 is incompatible with prototype:
prototype: pointer to pointer to char : "Text1.c", line 4
argument : pointer to array[15] of char
"Text1.c", line 27: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"Text1.c", line 31: warning: argument #2 is incompatible with prototype:
prototype: pointer to pointer to char : "Text1.c", line 5
argument : pointer to array[15] of char
"Text1.c", line 32: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"Text1.c", line 35: warning: argument #2 is incompatible with prototype:
prototype: pointer to pointer to char : "Text1.c", line 6
argument : pointer to array[15] of char
"Text1.c", line 36: left operand must be modifiable lvalue: op "="
"Text1.c", line 38: syntax error before or at: else
"Text1.c", line 46: warning: old-style declaration or incorrect type for: PrintResults
"Text1.c", line 46: identifier redeclared: PrintResults
current : function() returning int
previous: function(float, float, float, float, int, int, int, pointer to char, pointer to char, pointer to char, float, float, float) returning void : "Text1.c", line 7
"Text1.c", line 46: syntax error before or at: }
"Text1.c", line 55: warning: improper pointer/integer combination: op "="
"Text1.c", line 65: operands have incompatible types:
pointer to float "+" pointer to float
"Text1.c", line 65: assignment type mismatch:
float "=" pointer to float
"Text1.c", line 66: operands have incompatible types:
pointer to float "+" pointer to float
"Text1.c", line 72: undefined symbol: depdate
"Text1.c", line 73: declaration hides parameter: bpm1
declaration: float
parameter : pointer to float
"Text1.c", line 76: undefined symbol: depbal
"Text1.c", line 76: operands have incompatible types:
pointer to float "-" float
"Text1.c", line 76: warning: improper pointer/integer combination: op "="
"Text1.c", line 77: syntax error before or at: bpm1
"Text1.c", line 81: identifier redefined: PrintResults
current : function(float, float, float, float, pointer to char, pointer to char, pointer to char, pointer to char, pointer to char, pointer to char, float, float, float) returning void
previous: function(float, float, float, float, int, int, int, pointer to char, pointer to char, pointer to char, float, float, float) returning int : "Text1.c", line 46
cc: acomp failed for Text1.c

anyways, any help would be great, thanks.