well to start off...
a college course i am taking has a C module on it and we just had our finnal test using file i/o, i done it one way and the lecturer said its bad and i lost 10 marks..now he seems not to bright and im really sure my way is more efficiant..here is how it went

//my way
	fscanf(fp , "%d %f %d" , &amount , &cost, &rate);
//lecturers way
fscanf(fp , "%d %f %d" , &amount , &cost, &rate);
	fscanf(fp , "%d %f %d" , &amount , &cost, &rate);
he has told me my way will crash the program if the file is empty (he seems to think u need to read from the file first before u can use feof on it) and he said it will produce garbage in the arrays

can some one please give me some opinions on this and some ways to try and get him to give me 10 points back, thanks