Still on my server program...

The original flow chart consisted of the following:

  • Setting up a connection and listen()ing for requests.

  • In a loop, accept()ing requests and sending them to a new thread for processing.
I've spent the last couple of days researching my options for threading, and it seemed as though the best option would be to include a third-party library, which I really wanted to avoid, so I had another idea:

  • Setting up a connection and listen()ing for requests.

  • In a loop, accept()ing requests and processing them right there in the same thread.
I would of course specify a much larger number of connections to be allowed to wait to be accepted to make up for having one thread of execution.

My logic is that even though only one request could be processed at a time, it wouldn't affect performance because not having to share processor time with any other thread would make up for that. I also wouldn't have to worry about thread-safety with any resources that I use.

I am of course, not only really tired, but also an idiot. Is my logic flawed? Do you have any advice? This solution just seems to good to be true.

Thanks in advance,