Thread: can somone please help me with this code?

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    can somone please help me with this code?

    This is the main code for a morse code files decoder. From my understanding, it checks each bit in the binary file, maps it against a decoding table to find its alphabet equivalence and then returns the output. I'm not sure if I've got this right though? Can someone help to explain to me the main parts of this code?

    char *decode_file(unsigned char *input, int inputsize, int *outputsize)
    	unsigned short masks[7] = {0xe000, 0xf000, 0xf800, 0xfc00, 0xfe00, 0xff00, 0xff80};
    	int inpos = 0;
    	int outpos = 0;
    	short buff = 0;
    	int bitsleft = 0;
    	int i;
    	char *outputbuf;
    	struct decoding decoding_table[27];
    	outputbuf = malloc((8*inputsize)/3 + 1);
    	memset(outputbuf, 0, (8*inputsize)/3 + 1);
    	while (inpos < inputsize)
    		while (bitsleft < 9)
    			int in = input[inpos++];
    			buff |= in << (8-bitsleft);
    			bitsleft += 8;
    		for(i = 0; i < 27; i++)
    			char d_char = decoding_table[i].character;
    			unsigned short d_bits = decoding_table[i].bits;
    			int d_len = decoding_table[i].length;
    			if ((buff & masks[d_len-3]) == d_bits)
    				buff = buff << d_len;
    				bitsleft -= d_len;
    				outputbuf[outpos++] = d_char;
    				i = -1; continue;
    		if (inpos < inputsize && bitsleft > 8)
    			/*printf("\nDecoding failed at byte %d of %d\n", inpos, inputsize);*/
    	*outputsize = outpos;
    	return outputbuf;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    can anyone tell me if I'm thinking in the right line?

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