Since 'scanf()' is really ugly dealing with inputs , i decided to write a function that will hopefully be perfect when asking for numbers from the user.

The function is called 'getl()' (get long), it has 3 arguments and need no extra header files to be included. First and Second argument let you specify the range of max\min integer allowed to be input. Third takes a costumized message that will be displayed in these cases :
  1. When the user immdiatly hit <Enter> without entering anything.
  2. When the input doesn't belong to the range you specified.
  3. When the user enters an invalid input i.e : a mix of numbers and letters.
  4. When the user enters a real number (i.e: 4.5)

The function will keep displaying your custom message and asking for another input untill you enter a valid one.

here is the code :
#include <stdio.h>

long getl(long, long , char *);

int main(void)
   long number;

   printf("Please enter a number :\n");
   number = getl(0,500,"Invalid Input.\n\nPlease enter a number :");

   printf("You've entered %d\n\n", number);


   return 0;

long getl(long min_int, long max_int, char *message)
   char input[BUFSIZ];
   char *p;
   long result;


   if( fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin) == NULL )
       printf("\nCould not read from stream\n");

   result = strtol(input, &p, 10);

      if(result <= max_int && result >= min_int && input[0]!='\n' && ( *p == '\0' || *p == '\n' ))
             return result;
Let me know what you guys think about it. And if it has any weak points , feel free to modify or add to it to make it even better.

p.s : i know nothing is perfect , i use perfect as in "as good as possible".