am posting this code again.i changed this code to read a file and write out the first line, and all non blanks lines preceded by a blank line.
/*This program reads a file given as command line argument
and writes out the first lines and all(non blank) lines 
preceded by a blank line.

typedef char * STRNG;

STRNG code[80];

STRNG get_line(FILE * inf) {/*Start of the function which reads one line*/
    STRNG s = NULL;
    int count = 0;
    int tok;            // must be int - EOF is an int, not a char

    while ( (tok=getc(inf)) != EOF && tok != '\n' ) {
        if ( s == NULL ) s = malloc( 80 );
        s[count++] = tok;
    if ( tok != EOF ) {
        if ( s == NULL ) s = malloc( 80 );  // possibly a newline on its own
        s[count++] = tok;                   // append the \n
        s[count] = '\0';
    return s;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char    *filename;
    FILE    *stream;
    int     i,c, n = 0;

    filename =argv[1];
    if(stream ==NULL)
        printf("Enter a valid parameter.Program will exit.\n");
    while ( (code[n]=get_line(stream))!= NULL)

                      if(strlen(code[n])==1)/*here is the problem*/


    return 0;  // 0 is success
the programs recognises the blank lines but it prints out only <null>