I changed it to :
(still no good)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <windows.h>

double A,B,C,calculation;
int selection;

	printf("Calcute the side of a traingle...a^2 + b^2 = c^2\n");
	printf("Which sides do you have?\n");
	printf("(1) a , b\n(2) b , c\n(3) a , c\n");
	scanf("%d", &selection);
		if (selection==1)
			printf("Please enter the two sides:\n");
			printf("A: ");
			scanf("%f", &A);
			printf("B: ");
			scanf("%f", &B);
			calculation = A*A-B*B;
			C = sqrt(calculation);
			printf("C = %f", C);
		if (selection==2)
			printf("Please enter the two sides:\n");
			printf("B: ");
			scanf("%f", &B);
			printf("C: ");
			scanf("%f", &C);
			calculation = B*B-C*C;
			A = sqrt(calculation);
			printf("A = %f", A);
		if (selection==3)
			printf("Please enter the two sides:\n");
			printf("A: ");
			scanf("%f", &A);
			printf("C: ");
			scanf("%f", &C);
			calculation = C*C-A*A;
			B = sqrt(calculation);
			printf("B = %f", B);
	Sleep (50000);

	return 0;