Ok..I got my second assignment in my programming class last week and I am getting frustrated. Ive gotten as far as displaying the menu but i am stuck and have no clue what to do next. I am still very new at this and im not very good. Can anyone help? If you need to see my code i can post what i have. Thanks

The assignment is

1. create a program that displays a menu with 6 options as seen in the example below.

2. Accept numbers from the user and calculate the selected total, product, average, minimum, or maximum.

Sample Screen Interaction:
Black is the program's output.
Blue is the user's input.

1 - Calculate the Total
2 - Calculate the Product
3 - Calculate the Average
4 - Calculate the Minimum
5 - Calculate the Maximum
9 - Exit
Enter selection: 1

Enter numbers (Enter 0 to stop):

You entered 4 numbers with a Total of 14.

1 - Calculate the Total
2 - Calculate the Product
3 - Calculate the Average
4 - Calculate the Minimum
5 - Calculate the Maximum
9 - Exit

Enter selection: 9

Thank you come again.

The program should include the following functions:

void findTotal( )
This function will accept numbers from the user until 0 has been entered.
When 0 has been entered, the number of values entered will be displayed followed by the sum of all the numbers entered, as seen in the above example.

void findProduct( )
This function will accept numbers from the user until 0 has been entered.
When 0 has been entered, the number of values entered will be displayed followed by the product of all the numbers entered, as seen in the above example.

void findAverage( )
This function will accept numbers from the user until 0 has been entered.
When 0 has been entered, the number of values entered will be displayed followed by the average of all the numbers entered, as seen in the above example.

void findMinimum( )
This function will accept numbers from the user until 0 has been entered.
When 0 has been entered, the number of values entered will be displayed followed by the minimum of all the numbers entered, as seen in the above example.

void findMaximum( )
This function will accept numbers from the user until 0 has been entered.
When 0 has been entered, the number of values entered will be displayed followed by the maximum of all the numbers entered, as seen in the above example.