This is my program so far:

/* This Program has been created to figure out how much it cost to build a Fish Tank. This will be done by inputing the Width, Length, and Height in which the computer in return will calculate the price */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
int interger; int L,W,H;
printf("What is the length of your goldfish tank in inches?\n");
scanf( "%d", &L );
printf("What is the width of your goldfish tank in inches?\n");
scanf( "%d", &W );
printf("What is the height of your goldfish tank in inches?\n");
scanf( "%d", &H );
printf("Your goldfish tank costs ????? to
return 0;

How do i get this formula (2*(H*W)+2*(L*H)+(L*W))*(.02)) inserted in the right format where those question marks are? So when the program runs the price will come up in $XX.XX format??