I hope this isn't a simple answer again, but my work situation doesn't allow me to code the hours i like and as often as I like. The following code emualtes C's STRSTR. however, i noticed it returns only from token[1] and up. Token being the second string argument.

I could do some simple exception handling. But i'd prefer to know why it doesn't return the first address.
#include <stdio.h>
#define FIND "s"

char *MyStrstr(char *word, char *str);
int main(void){

    char *word="superca9038jfcmcdldfjdf";
    char *KeyFound = MyStrstr(word,FIND);
    if (KeyFound){
     puts("found it");
     printf("Your looking for \"%s\" ",KeyFound);
     puts("Can't find it");
    return 0;

char *MyStrstr(char *word, char *tok){
    if (*word == *tok)
        	return word;
     return NULL;