

I want to add multiple lines of text to an image (using the ImageMagick Wand api).
This prg will create postcards, so the text must fit in a X * Y rectangle (depends on size of the card), and
I would like to write a function to calculate the width and height of the rectangle necessary to store the text.

Well, unfortunately it doesn't work properly, sometimes it makes a mistake, and the height will be insufficent.
Don't know what to do.. - What am I doing wrong?

Here is the idea:

Width (var w) should be the width of the longest line
Height should be: number of lines * height (returned by GetTypeMetrics)

I'm not some professional programmer (yet! -, so please help me out guys -!


When DrawAnnotation adds the text, the first line disappears.
Why? Both x & y coords are 0, so it should start the job in the upper-left corner of the image.

Here is the code. It compiles w/o warnings or errors for me. Currently i'm using it as a stand-alone prg, it takes the following args:

- argv[1] - Text file to read
- argv[2] - Maximum width of a line
- argv[3] - Maximum height

char* URLDecode(char* encoded) {


// this works fine..


// just small func to strip newlines & tabs

char* trimchr(char* str,char* set) {
 char* res = (char*) malloc(strlen(str)+1);
       res = (char*) memset(res,0,strlen(str)+1); 
 int i,j;
   for(i = 0, j = 0; i <= strlen(str); i++, j++) {
     if((strchr(set,str[i])) != NULL) {
     j -= 1;
     } else {
     res[(j == 0) ? i : j] = str[i];
  res[i] = '\0';
  return res;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

FILE *file;
struct stat inf;
Image *Pic;
DrawInfo *Info;
ExceptionInfo exception;
TypeMetric Metric;
int j, k = 0, i, s = 0, WidthOffset = atoi(argv[2]), ml = 0;
float w = 0,h;

// txt file's path is generated by PHP, it's an URI, that's why the URLDecode 
// func is here.  


unsigned char* pic_text = (char*) malloc(inf.st_size+1); 
               pic_text = (char*) memset(pic_text,0,inf.st_size);  

file = fopen(URLDecode(argv[1]),"r");

pic_text = trimchr(pic_text,"\n\t");

char *line = (char*) malloc(strlen(pic_text) + sizeof(char) + 1);
      line = (char*) memset(line,0,strlen(pic_text)+ sizeof(char) + 1);
char *buffer = (char*) malloc((strlen(pic_text) + 1)*2);
      buffer = (char*) memset(buffer,0,(strlen(pic_text)+ 1)*2);

ImageInfo *Ni=CloneImageInfo((ImageInfo *) NULL); 

// I added this because GetTypeMetrics needs a pic to run. I can't use the
// real picture here, since the height / width is unknown. 
// Is it important to use a real image here? I tested it with several 
// different imgs (ReadImage) and there was no difference. Why does 
// this function take this arg? Please somebody tell me more about this.

int *Pixel = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*2);
Pixel[0] = 255;
Pic = ConstituteImage(1,1,"I",IntegerPixel,Pixel,&exception);

 Info  = CloneDrawInfo((ImageInfo *)NULL, (DrawInfo *)NULL);   
 Info->density = "72x72";
 Info->pointsize = 11.0;
 Info->font = "../fonts/arial.ttf";
 Info->family = "arial";
    for(i = 0; j != strlen(pic_text)+1; i++) {
       line[i]  = pic_text[(j == 0) ? i : j];
       Info->text = line;
       (void) GetTypeMetrics(Pic,Info,&Metric); 
        if(j >= strlen(pic_text)) {
              buffer[strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
              h += Metric.height; 
              s += 1; break; 
        if(Metric.width >= WidthOffset) { 
                line[i+1] = '\n';
                line[i+2] = '\0';            
             if(Metric.width > WidthOffset) {
                k = 0;
                while(Metric.width > WidthOffset) { 
                    Info->text[strlen(Info->text)-1] = '\0';
                    line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
                    Info->text[strlen(Info->text)-1] = '\n';
                    line[strlen(line)-1] = '\n';
                    (void) GetTypeMetrics(Pic,Info,&Metric);
                    k -= 2; 
                //k -= 1;
             } else {
             k = 0;
                if(s == 0) {
                   buffer = strcpy(buffer,line);
                   buffer[strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
                } else {
                   buffer[strlen(buffer)] = '\0';
                line = (char*) malloc(strlen(pic_text) + 1);
                line = (char*) memset(line,0,strlen(pic_text) + 1); 
                j = (j == 0) ? i+k : j+k; 
                s++; i = -1;
                w = (Metric.width > w) ? Metric.width : w; h += Metric.height;   
       if(h > atof(argv[3]) || (ml != 0 && s >= ml)) {
              printf("Text is too long, do something...",
              &pic_text[(j == 0) ? i : j]);
       if(j != 0) j++;
       Info->text = buffer;
// This is only for testing, just to make sure the text fits. 
 unsigned char * PxArray = malloc((sizeof(unsigned char)*w*h)*3); 
    for(i=0; i<(w*h*3); i+=3) { 
           PxArray[i] =   (unsigned char) ScaleCharToQuantum(242);  
           PxArray[i+1] = (unsigned char) ScaleCharToQuantum(240); 
           PxArray[i+2] = (unsigned char) ScaleCharToQuantum(213);
 Image* img = ConstituteImage(w,h,"RGB",CharPixel,PxArray,&exception);
       DrawingWand *Wand = NewDrawingWand();
       Wand = DrawAllocateWand(Info, img);  
       (void) strcpy(img->filename,"/newpic1234.jpg");
       printf("'%s\n\nH: %f W: %f Lines: %d'\n",buffer,h,w,s);

  return 0;
Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!