>>foo( "" );
>>It doesn't crash though. So at least that's good.
Lucky more like Modifying string literals is a no no.

@Stack Overflow: If all you're looking for is a quick way to terminate a string at the first occurence of a particular character (which is what the "strip newline" type functions you've created do), try this:
 #include <stdio.h>
 void foo(char *s, int c)
   while (*s && *s != c)
   *s = '\0';
 int main(void)
   char  n[] = "blahh\n";
   char  m[] = "\n";
   printf("n after >%s<\n", n);
   foo(n, '\n');
   printf("n after >%s<\n", n);
   printf("m before >%s<\n", m);
   foo(m, '\n');
   printf("m after >%s<\n", m);