Hi everyone,
I've been writing programmes in C for about a year now (with some big gaps in between), and I'm never comfortable with anything I write. It seems that no matter what method I choose to solve the problem, there's always a better method that I miss. My programmes almost always work but I always write huge programmes for simple tasks and the phrase "programme efficiency" can in no way be related to any of my programmes. Today, I wrote an itoa function that uses recursion. Once again, it works, but I'm sure there's a better way of doing it. I thought maybe if I post the programme, you guys would be good enough to point out some issues, so here's the code:
char* itoa(int num)
        static int cnt = 0;
        static char s[10];
        static int i = 0;
        char ch;
        if(num < 0)
                s[cnt++] = '-';
                num = -num;
                i = cnt;
        if(num / 10)
                itoa(num / 10);
        ch = (char)(num % 10 + '0');
        s[cnt-(cnt-i)] = ch;
        if (cnt == i)
                return s;
                return NULL;
I appreciate some advice.

P.S.: Generally, when the number of variables I use gets big, I know there's something wrong.