I am having some trouble translating this java code in to C. There is something wrong with my merge sort in C. Don't know what since I get error at runtime.

Compiler: Dev-cpp
OS: Windows 2000 sp4


public static IntNode MergeSort(IntNode list1)
    if ((list1 == null) || (list1.getLink() == null)
         return list1;

    IntNode list2 = split(list1);
    list1 = MergeSort(list1);
    list2 = MergeSort(list2);

    return merge(list1, list2);

private static IntNode split(IntNode list1)
    if ((list1 == null) || (list1.getLink() == null)
         return null;

    IntNode.list2 = list1.getLink();

    return list2;

private static IntNode merge(IntNode list1, IntNode list2)
    if (list1 == null)
         return list2;
    if (list2 == null)
         return list1;
    if (list1.getData() < list2.getData())
         list1.setLink(merge(list1.getLink(), list2));
         return list1;
         list2.setLink(merge(list1, list2.getLink()));
         return list2;
This is what I have done in C.


struct Node
    int element;
    struct Node * Next;

void Insert(int x, struct Node * l);
struct Node * MergeSort(struct Node * list1);
struct Node * split(struct Node * list1);
struct Node * merge(struct Node * list1, struct Node * list2);

#include "IntLinkedList.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void insert(int X, struct Node * l)
    struct Node * temp = malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

    if (temp == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error in memory allocation.\n");

    temp->element = X;
    temp->Next = l->Next;
    l->Next = temp;

struct Node * MergeSort(struct Node * list1)
	struct Node * list2;

	if ((list1 == NULL) || (list1->Next == NULL))
		return list1;

	list2 = split(list1);

	list1 = MergeSort(list1);
	list2 = MergeSort(list2);

	return merge(list1, list2);

struct Node * split(struct Node * list1)
	struct Node * list2;

	if ((list1 == NULL) || (list2->Next == NULL))
		return NULL;

        list2 = list1->Next;
	list1->Next = list2->Next;
	list2->Next = split(list2->Next);

	return list2;

struct Node * merge(struct Node * list1, struct Node * list2)
	if (list1 == NULL)
		return list2;
	if (list2 == NULL)
		return list1;
	if (list1->element < list2->element)
		list1->Next = merge(list1->Next, list2);
		return list1;
		list2->Next = merge(list1, list2->Next);
		return list2;