My problem: this structure that was suposed to be 10 bytes big, is in fact 12... At least that's what the printf tells... I really need to resize the structure to exactly 10 bytes. The problem is that in this case 3 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 12.


typedef struct{
	char	tagid  [ 3];	//0-2  TAG identifier. It contains of string "ID3" 
	short	tagver :16 ;	//3-4  TAG version. Can be eg. 03 00 
	char	flags  : 8 ;	//5		Flags 
	long	size   :32 ;	//6-9  Size of TAG

	printf("?: %d\n", sizeof(MP3ID3TAG2));
What's going on here??
P.S.: I tried both Visual C++ and GCC, they both do that same thing.