Thread: Help

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Angry Help

    This is the the mod and other peeps! This board seems to be very harsh to peeps that need help. I posted a thread a few days ago and I was only trying to seek help but I was told that I wanted told that I wanted someone to "WRITE" the program for me "NOT TRUE" I truly wanted help and help only. After searching the WEB, I was fortunately to find a sincere Forum that assisted me and I am grateful. No they did not write the program for me but answered my question all five or six of them. I am not trying to bash this forum but there are some RUDE and MEAN peeps that respond and the MODS as well. I read for about a hour hoping to find a post with the same or similar problem I had and found that others were treated like myself. Told, "I'm not going to write your program for you, or being called dumb or being told that you don't know anything!" Well this will be my last post and thanks for the Bad Experience and the hard feelings Forum! In the future PRO'S, think of where you use to be and all that you didn't know befor you BASH anyone else! Thank You and So long.

  2. #2
    Skunkmeister Stoned_Coder's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Just out of interest i looked up your last 4 or 5 posts.All of which got a sensible answer after you had provided the right information. I fail to see why you are upset.I never saw anyone being rude to you.There probably are many people who do get told where to go but that is only because this site provides a FAQ that holds the answers to questions like clearscreen and random numbers.An example this week is there must be at least 5 people asking how to clear the screen often in almost consecutive threads.That sort of behaviour just upsets people.Or if you turn up asking for code you will also normally be told where to get off too but in all the posts of yours i looked at you did post code so there was no problems there.Personally speaking I will help anybody that is prepared to help themselves by at least having a good go at the problem.
    Free the weed!! Class B to class C is not good enough!!
    And the FAQ is here :-

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