Thread: Linked list pointer error

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Linked list pointer error

    I have a linked list written up, am trying to make the "delete current record" function, for somehow it seem not working properly, I believe it is to do with my point structure, I checked everything in the code, but still can't tell where, can someone kindly point the error, thanks

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <dos.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    typedef struct data_type               // declare structure for sine_wave database
            double amp;
            double freq;
            double phase;
            struct data_type *next;
            struct data_type *former;
    } DATA;
    void print_data(DATA *item)             // function to print current SINE-WAVE details
    {                                     // to screen
    	if (item==NULL)
    		printf("                                        ");
                    printf("       END OF THE SINE WAVE LIST        ");
    		printf("                                        ");
                    printf("            SINE WAVE DATA              ");
                    gotoxy(25,10); printf("Amplitude:                           ");
                    gotoxy(25,11); printf("Frequency:                       Hz  ");
                    gotoxy(25,12); printf("Phase:                           deg ");
                    gotoxy(40,10); printf("%9.2lf", item->amp);
                    gotoxy(40,11); printf("%9.2lf", item->freq);
                    gotoxy(40,12); printf("%9.2lf", item->phase);
    DATA * add_data(DATA *item)              // add a SINE_WAVE to the end of the linked list
            DATA *new_data;
            printf("             Adding a new wave               ");
            new_data = (DATA *) malloc(sizeof(DATA));
            new_data->next = NULL;
            gotoxy(25,10); printf("Amplitude:                           ");
            gotoxy(25,11); printf("Frequency:                       Hz  ");
            gotoxy(25,12); printf("Phase:                           deg ");
            gotoxy(40,10); scanf("%lf", &new_data->amp);
            gotoxy(40,11); scanf("%lf", &new_data->freq);
            gotoxy(40,12); scanf("%lf", &new_data->phase);
    	if (item != NULL)
                    item->next = new_data;
            return (new_data);
    DATA * del_data(DATA *item)             // delete data from list
            DATA *previous, *following;
            if (item!=NULL)                 //ensure item exists to delete
            previous=item->former;        //assign former and next
            following=item->next;        //linksto pointers accordingly
            if (previous!=NULL) previous->next=following;            //reroute around
            if (following!=NULL) following->former=previous;
            free(item);                     //release the item's memory
            if (previous!=NULL) 
            else item=following;
    DATA * edit(DATA *item)              // Edit data in list
    	DATA *new;
            printf("             editing current wave record              ");
          	new = item;
            gotoxy(25,10); printf("Amplitude:                           ");
            gotoxy(25,11); printf("Frequency:                       Hz  ");
            gotoxy(25,12); printf("Phase:                           deg ");
            gotoxy(40,10); scanf("%lf", &new->amp);
            gotoxy(40,11); scanf("%lf", &new->freq);
            gotoxy(40,12); scanf("%lf", &new->phase);
            return (item);
    DATA * next(DATA *item)              // move to next item in list
    	if (item != NULL)
    		item = item->next;
    	return (item);
    DATA * find(DATA *item)             // locate a particular item in the list
    		printf("      Facility not implemented yet!     ");
    		return (item);
    int main (void)                       // main function
            DATA *first=NULL, *current=NULL, *last=NULL;
    	char response;
    	do                                 // repeat until "q" hit
                    print_data(current);             // print current item in list to screen
                    gotoxy(25,19); printf("'d': Delete current inputted data");   // display command options
                    gotoxy(25,18); printf("'a': Adding a new sine wave data");
                    gotoxy(25,20); printf("'f': find");
    		gotoxy(25,21); printf("'n': browse the next record on the database");
    		gotoxy(25,22); printf("'r': return to start of list");
                    gotoxy(25,23); printf("'e': edit current record");
                    gotoxy(25,24); printf("'q': quit the database");
    		gotoxy(40,25); putch(' ');      // overwrite old command
    		printf("Enter command: ");      // get new command
    		response = getch();
    		gotoxy(34,40); putch(response); // print new command to screen
    		switch (response)               // call relevent function
                            case 'd': current = del_data(current); break;
                            case 'a': last = add_data(last); break;
                            case 'f': current = find(first); break;
                            case 'n': current = next(current); break;
    			case 'r': current = first; break;
                            case 'e': current = edit(current); break;
    		if (first == NULL) current = first = last;  // assign pointers to first
    									  // item provided in list
    	} while (response != 'q');
    	return 0;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ha, problem solved

    I have forgotten to declare the "*former" pointer at the adding function.

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