im creating a program that reads in a csv fields and breaks it up into records and files using structures. my problem is that when i use the field constructor function with a char array it doesn't work, it prints out nothing:
RcrdArray[v].fieldArray[1] = Field_Constructor(0, 54, Field);
but when i use it like this it works, it prints out "any word":
RcrdArray[v].fieldArray[0] = Field_Constructor(0,54, "any word");
this is what the structures look like:
struct Rcrd Rcrd_Constructor(){
	struct Rcrd record;
	record.rcrdDelimit = '\n';
	return record;
struct Field Field_Constructor(int idx, int size, char *field){
	struct Field fld;
	fld.fldidx = idx;
	fld.fldchrptr = field;
	fld.fldsize = size;
	fld.fldDelimit = ',';
	return fld;
//this is the way i declared the array of pointers to Rcrd structs
struct Rcrd *RcrdArray
//this is the way i declared the field array
char Field[40] = {0};
I've spent a long time messing with this and changing things and i cant figure it out. I'm not very familiar with pointers and i have a feeling that it has something to do with that. Any help is appreciated. thanks.