Thread: Very odd segmentation fault/core dump.

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  1. #1
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    Very odd segmentation fault/core dump.

    So I'm pulling out my hair here, as I can't figure this out. I'm getting a segmentation fault ( core dump) in my program and I don't understand why. It's a clean compile and when I run the program and it asks me for a valid choice, the scanf statement causes the seg fault. The code is below, but I'm totally baffled here.

    void MenuOne ( int numStrings, char **strArray )
       int i, inc = 1, userInput = 1, constant = 5;
       printf("\nMenuOne function opened. %d\n", numStrings );
          for ( i = 0; i < numStrings; i++ )
                printf("strArray[%2d] - %s\n", i, strArray[i] );
          printf ("Please select which string you'd like to analyze, or 0 to quit.\n");
          scanf ("%d", &userInput );
          printf("%d is the user's input\n", userInput);
          while( userInput < 0 ||  userInput > numStrings )
             fprintf(stderr, "\nPlease enter a valid response. " );
             scanf("%d", &userInput );
       MenuTwo ( userInput, strArray );

  2. #2
    Welcome to the real world
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    I just compiled and successfully executed your code and it works for me (although the array holds null values for me).

    Here is my output:

    MenuOne function opened. 5
    strArray[ 0] - (null)
    strArray[ 1] - (null)
    strArray[ 2] - (null)
    strArray[ 3] - (null)
    strArray[ 4] - (null)
    Please select which string you'd like to analyze, or 0 to quit.
    3 is the user's input

    Are you sure the seg. fault is during the scanf call?

  3. #3
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    I found I had a semicolon right after my for loop which was obviously a mistake, but that wasn't causing the seg fault. I have to think it's from that since it doesn't make it to my probe statement RIGHT after it.

  4. #4
    C++ Developer XSquared's Avatar
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    Post your full source code, please, so we can compile and run it.
    Naturally I didn't feel inspired enough to read all the links for you, since I already slaved away for long hours under a blistering sun pressing the search button after typing four whole words! - Quzah

    You. Fetch me my copy of the Wall Street Journal. You two, fight to the death - Stewie

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Here's my pal.c file
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include "pal.h"
    /* Display greeting message */
    /* name: PrintGreeting      */
    /* inputs: none             */
    /* returned value: none     */
    void PrintGreeting ()
       printf( "\nWelcome to the Strings program.");
       printf( "\nThis program will allow you to anaylze any of the strings");
       printf( "\nfrom the input file in several different ways.");
       printf( "\n\nAlso: a palindrome is defined as any word or phrase that is");
       printf( "\nread the same way backwards and forwards.  For example, the word");
       printf( "\nracecar is a palindrome.");
    /* Display instructions         */
    /* name: PrintInstructions      */
    /* inputs: none                 */
    /* returned value: none         */
    void PrintInstructions ()
       printf( "\n\nTo use this program, simply select one of the strings you");
       printf( "\nwant to analyze, or 0 to quit.  After selecting a string");
       printf( "\na menu will appear which will enable you to test that string");
       printf( "\nin a number of different ways.  Select the corresponding");
       printf( "\nletter, or Q to quit.\n");
    /* Reads in number of strings         */
    /* name: ReadNumStrings               */
    /* inputs: File pointer               */
    /* returned values: number of strings */
    int ReadNumStrings ( FILE *data )
       int numStrings = 0;
       char buffer[101];
       while ( fgets ( buffer, 101, data ) != NULL )
       return numStrings;
    /* Fills the array with the strings from the data file */
    /* name: FillArray                                     */
    /* inputs: File pointer, array of strings              */
    /* returned values: none                               */
    void FillArray ( FILE *data, char **strArray, int numStrings )
       char buf[100];
       int counter = 0;
       int strLen;
       int i;
       rewind ( data );
       while ( fgets ( buf, 100, data ) != NULL )
          strLen = strlen ( buf );
          strArray[counter] = (char *) malloc (strLen * sizeof (char));
          strcpy ( strArray[counter], buf );
          printf("%2d = %s\n", counter, strArray[counter]);
       for ( i = 0; i < numStrings; i++ )
          printf("strArray[%2d] = %s\n", i, strArray[i]);
       printf("\nBeginning MenuOne function\n");
       MenuOne ( numStrings, strArray );
    /* Controls the first level menu                 */
    /* name: MenuOne                                 */
    /* inputs: Number of strings, array of strings   */
    /* returned values: none                         */
    void MenuOne ( int numStrings, char **strArray )
       int i, userInput = -41;
       printf("\nMenuOne function opened. %d\n", numStrings );
          for ( i = 0; i < numStrings; i++ )
                printf("strArray[%2d] - %s\n", i, strArray[i] );
          printf ("Please select which string you'd like to analyze, or 0 to quit.\n");
          scanf ("%d", &userInput );
          printf("%d is the user input\n", userInput);
          while( userInput < 0 ||  userInput > numStrings )
             fprintf(stderr, "\nPlease enter a valid response. " );
             scanf("%d", &userInput );
       MenuTwo ( userInput, strArray );
    /* Controls the second level menu                    */
    /* Name: MenuTwo                                     */
    /* inputs: user integer selection, array of strings  */
    /* returned values: true/false ending condition      */
    int MenuTwo ( int input, char **strArray )
       char select = 'Q';
       int end, numVowels, numCons, length, numWords, truefalse = 0;
       printf("\nMenuTwo just opened.\n");
       for ( end = 0; end < 19999; end++ )
          printf("     \n   Analysis of the string :");
          printf("     \n   %s\n", strArray[input - 1] );
          printf("     \n   P - Is this string a palindrome ?");
          printf("     \n   V - How many vowels ?");
          printf("     \n   C - How many consonants ?");
          printf("     \n   L - What's its length ?");
          printf("     \n   W - How many words ?");
          printf("     \n   Q - Quit ");
          printf("\nEnter choice : ");
          scanf("%c", &select );
    if( select == 'Q' || select == 'q' )
             end = 20000;
          else if( select == 'P' || select == 'p' )
             truefalse = IsPalindrome( input, strArray );
             if ( truefalse == 1 )
                printf( "\nThe following string is a palindrome : %s\n", strArray[input-1]);
                printf(" \nThe following string is not a palindrome : %s\n", strArray[input-1]);
          else if( select == 'V' || select == 'v' )
             numVowels = NumVowels ( input, strArray );
             printf( "\nThere are %d vowels in : %s ", numVowels, strArray[input-1]);
          else if( select == 'C' || select == 'c' )
             numCons = NumCons ( input, strArray );
             printf( "\nThere are %d consonants in : %s ", numCons, strArray[input-1]);
          else if( select == 'L' || select == 'l' )
             length = strlen ( strArray[input-1] );
             printf("\n%d is the length of : %s", length, strArray[input-1] );
          else if( select == 'W' || select == 'w' )
             numWords = NumWords ( input, strArray );
             printf("\nThere's %d word(s) in : %s ", numWords, strArray[input-1] );
       return 1;
    /* Tests to see if the string is a palindrome   */
    /* name: IsPalindrome                           */
    /* inputs: user input, array of strings         */
    /* returned values: true/false statement        */
    int IsPalindrome ( int input, char **strArray )
       int output;
       return output;
    /* Determines the number of vowels in the string   */
    /* name: NumVowels                                 */
    /* inputs: user input, array of strings            */
    /* returned values: number of vowels in string     */
    int NumVowels ( int input, char **strArray )
       int numVowels;
       return numVowels;
    /* Determines the number of consonants in the string   */
    /* name: NumCons                                       */
    /* inputs: user input, array of strings                */
    /* returned values: number of consonants in the string */
    int NumCons ( int input, char **strArray )
       int numCons = 0;
       int i;
       if ( strArray[input-1][i] == 'n' )
       return numCons;
    /* Determines how many words are in the string     */
    /* name: NumWords                                  */
    /* inputs: user input, array of strings            */
    /* returned values: number of words in the string  */
    int NumWords ( int input, char **strArray )
       int numWords;
       return numWords;

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Here's my main file
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include "pal.h"
    int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
       FILE *data;
       int numStrings;
       char** strArray;
       /* Ensures one data file is being entered at the command line  */
       if ( argc != 2 )
          fprintf (stderr, "\nYou must enter the name of only one data file on the");
          fprintf (stderr, "\ncommand line to run this program." );
          fprintf (stderr, "\nExample: a.out filename\n");
       data = fopen (argv[1],"r");
       /* Ensures the file is valid, and can be opened */
       if (data == NULL)
          fprintf (stderr, "\nError opening %s\n", argv[1]);
          exit (-2);
       numStrings = ReadNumStrings( data );
       FillArray ( data, strArray, numStrings );
       return 1;
    And my header file:
    /* Display greeting message */
    /* name: PrintGreeting      */
    /* inputs: none             */
    /* returned value: none     */
    void PrintGreeting() ;
    /* Display greeting message    */
    /* name: PrintInstructions     */
    /* inputs: none                */
    /* returned value: none        */
    void PrintInstructions() ;
    /* Reads in number of strings         */
    /* name: ReadNumStrings               */
    /* inputs: File pointer               */
    /* returned values: number of strings */
    int ReadNumStrings ( FILE *data ) ;
    /* Fills the array with the strings from the data file */
    /* name: FillArray                                     */
    /* inputs: Number of strings, file pointer             */
    /* returned values: none                               */
    void FillArray ( FILE *data, char **strArray, int numStrings ) ;
    /* Controls the first level menu                 */
    /* name: MenuOne                                 */
    /* inputs: Number of strings, array of strings   */
    /* returned values: none                         */
    void MenuOne ( int numStrings, char **strArray ) ;
    /* Controls the second level menu               */
    /* name: MenuTwo                                */
    /* inputs: integer input, array of strings      */
    /* returned values: true/false ending condition */
    int MenuTwo ( int input, char **strArray ) ;
    /* Tests to see if the string is a palindrome   */
    /* name: IsPalindrome                           */
    /* inputs: user input, array of strings         */
    /* returned values: true/false statement        */
    int IsPalindrome ( int input, char **strArray ) ;
    /* Determines the number of vowels in the string   */
    /* name: NumVowels                                 */
    /* inputs: user input, array of strings            */
    /* returned values: true/false statement           */
    int NumVowels ( int input, char **strArray ) ;
    /* Determines how many words are in the string     */
    /* name: NumWords                                  */
    /* inputs: user input, array of strings            */
    /* returned values: number of words in the string  */
    int NumWords ( int input, char **strArray ) ;
    /* Determines how many consonants are in the string     */
    /* name: NumCons                                        */
    /* inputs: user input, array of strings                 */
    /* returned values: number of words in the string       */
    int NumCons ( int input, char **strArray ) ;

  7. #7
    C++ Developer XSquared's Avatar
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    Ontario, Canada
    Hrm. How about you try to duplicate the error in a (much) smaller amount of code.
    Naturally I didn't feel inspired enough to read all the links for you, since I already slaved away for long hours under a blistering sun pressing the search button after typing four whole words! - Quzah

    You. Fetch me my copy of the Wall Street Journal. You two, fight to the death - Stewie

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    I get the follow results when I run the program:
    strArray[13] - A man, a plan, a cat, a canal: Panama?
    Please select which string you'd like to analyze, or 0 to quit.
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    The code is in the MenuOne function:
    printf ("Please select which string you'd like to analyze, or 0 to quit.\n");
    scanf ("%d", &userInput );
    printf("%d is the user input\n", userInput);

  9. #9
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
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    Your compiler should be warning something like:
    Warning: Possible usage of strArray before initialization in function main
    That should be giving you a hint on the cause of the problem.

  10. #10
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    So strArray has to be initialized in main?

    Edit: It compiles cleanly, no warnings/errors.

  11. #11
    C++ Developer XSquared's Avatar
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    Try changing the end of your MenuOne function to this:
    if( userInput) MenuTwo ( userInput, strArray );
    Naturally I didn't feel inspired enough to read all the links for you, since I already slaved away for long hours under a blistering sun pressing the search button after typing four whole words! - Quzah

    You. Fetch me my copy of the Wall Street Journal. You two, fight to the death - Stewie

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    Tried that. Didn't seem to have any effect.

  13. #13
    Yes, my avatar is stolen anonytmouse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    OK, to put it more simply: You must allocate memory for strArray before trying to store objects in it.

       char ** strArray;
       /* At this point strArray points to a random memory address. Trying to dereference
          or write into random memory will lead to non-optimal results. Usually a crash. */
       numStrings = ReadNumStrings( data );
       /* Allocate memory for strArray before trying to use it */
       strArray = malloc(numStrings * sizeof(char *));
       if (strArray != NULL)
          FillArray ( data, strArray, numStrings );
    OR, on the stack:
    char * strArray[MAX_NUMBER_OF_STRINGS];
    Just like you allocate memory for your character arrays before trying to store characters in them.

  14. #14
    Registered User
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    That's working great. Now all I have to do is write functions to determine the number of vowels, characters, and words, as well as one to test if it's a palindrome or not. Then, I'll be all set =D

  15. #15
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    One last question. Should the following code work to determine the number of words in a string? I.e. I'm assuming all words are seperated by spaces.

    for( i = 0; i < strLen; i++ )
          if ( isspace (strArray[input-1][i] == 0 )
    The man page says isspace should return a zero for true. Thus, every time the function returns a 0, it indicates another word. Or, for a single-word string ( no spaces ), I simply say numWords = 1. Whenever I run it like this, it simply counts the number of letters, not white spaces. For the string "anna" it tells me there are 4 words. Any ideas?

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