First off, I am new to C. Only been using for 5 weeks or so, so bare with me please My stupid prof insists that we program in C as well as java. I am pretty sure this is the last program I will have to write in C so I am just trying to get it over we go.

I have a few things left to do to this program I am writing that modifies a linked list of strings.

1. I misread the instructions and I have to have the program read a list of strings from a file and store them one by one in the list. I wrote a function to do this, but it keeps crashing my program. Check it out and tell me whats the deal.

2. I have to search for a desired string, and remove it from the list. Not really sure where to start on this one. See below for my efforts, heh.

3. I have to make a deep copy of the list. I know this is easy, I just dont know how to code it. I am not eactly sure what I am supposed to do with the copied list. I think it just needs to be a temporary list that needs to just be printed to the screen to prove that it copied, but thats about it. Any info on how to code this would be helpful.

4. And lastly, I have to concatinate two strings. Combine two lists together...eek! No clue where to start here.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct
    char *str;
    int len;
} String;

struct Node 
    struct Node * next;
    String str;

struct Node * AllocNode(String string)
    struct Node * node = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    if(node != NULL)
         node->next = 0;
         node->str.len = strlen ( string.str );
         node->str.str = malloc ( node->str.len + 1 );
         if ( node->str.str != NULL )
         strcpy ( node->str.str, string.str );
    return node;    

void DestroyList(struct Node ** st)
    struct Node * next, * prev = *st;
    while(prev != NULL)
         next = prev->next;
         prev = next;
    *st = 0;   

struct Node * AddNodeIF(struct Node ** st) //this has some problems.
    FILE *ifp;
    String string;
    char buff[BUFSIZ];
    string.str = buff;
    ifp = fopen("input.txt", "r");
        fscanf(ifp, "%s", &string.str);
            AddNode(&st, string);
    while (!feof(ifp));   

    return st;

struct Node * AddNode(struct Node ** st, String string)
    struct Node * next = *st;
    struct Node * node = AllocNode(string);
    if(*st != NULL)
        while(next->next != NULL)
                  next = next->next;
        next->next = node;     
        *st = node;
     return node;

struct Node * RemoveNode(struct Node ** st, String string) 
    //seach for the string in the list;
    //if found, remove it;
    //if not found, print "string not found in list;

int Search(struct Node ** st, String string) 
    struct Node * next = *st;
    int c = 0;
    if (*st != NULL)
         //if string in list, c = 1; return c;
         //else, c = 2; return c;

struct Node * CopyList(struct Node * st) 
    //struct Node * tempst;
    //then copy all nodes in st to tempst;
    //print tempst;

struct Node * Concatinate(struct Node * st1, struct Node * st2) 
    //struct Node * tempst;
    //then copy all nodes in st1;
    //then copy all nodes in st2;
    //print tempst;
void PrintList(struct Node * st)
    struct Node * next = st;
    while(next != NULL)
        printf("%s\n", next->str.str);
        next = next->next;

int MainMenu(void)
 int c = 0;
 "1. Initialize the list by reading in strings from the input and adding one by one to the linked list.",
 "2. Print all the strings in the list.",
 "3. Remove a string from a list (interactively).",
 "4. Add a string to the list (interactively).",
 "5. Search for a string in the list.",
 "6. Make a deep copy of the list.",
 "7. Concatenate two lists.",
 "8. Destory the list. A new list can be created by selecting 1.",
 "9. Quit.\n");
 scanf("%d", &c);
 return c;

 int main()
 struct Node * st1 = NULL;
 struct Node * st2 = NULL;
 String string;
 int choice = 0;
 int listchoice = 0;
 int yon = 0;
 char buff[BUFSIZ];
 string.str = buff;

 choice = MainMenu();
     if (choice == 1)
          printf("%s", "Which list would you like to add strings to? 1 or 2?");
          scanf("%d", listchoice);
          if (listchoice == 1)
		  st1 = AddNodeIF();
		  AddNode(&st1, string);
          choice = MainMenu();
          st2 = AddNodeIF();
		  AddNode(&st2, string);
          choice = MainMenu();
 else if (choice == 2) 
	 printf("%s", "Which list would you like to print? 1 or 2?");
     scanf("%d", listchoice);
     if (listchoice == 1)
     printf("%s", "List 1 contains:\n");
	 choice = MainMenu();
	 printf("%s", "List 2 contains:\n");
	 choice = MainMenu();
 else if (choice == 3) 
     printf("%s", "Which list would you like to remove a string from? 1 or 2?");
     scanf("%d", listchoice);
     if (listchoice == 1)
     printf("%s", "Please enter the string you wish to remove from list 1: \n");
     scanf("%s", string.str);
     RemoveNode(&st1, string);
	 choice = MainMenu();
     printf("%s", "Please enter the string you wish to remove from list 2: \n");
     scanf("%s", string.str);
     RemoveNode(&st2, string);
	 choice = MainMenu();
 else if (choice == 4) 
     printf("%s", "Which list would you like to add a string to? 1 or 2?");
     scanf("%d", listchoice);
     if (listchoice == 1)
	 printf("%s", "Please enter the string you wish to add to list 1: \n");
     scanf("%s", string.str);
     AddNode(&st1, string);
	 choice = MainMenu();
	 printf("%s", "Please enter the string you wish to add to list 2: \n");
     scanf("%s", string.str);
     AddNode(&st2, string);
	 choice = MainMenu();
 else if (choice == 5) 
     printf("%s", "Which list would you like to search in? 1 or 2?");
     scanf("%d", listchoice);
     if (listchoice == 1)
          yon = Search(st1, string);
               if (yon == 1)
                    printf("%s", "Yes, the string entered exists in list 1.\n");
                    printf("%s", "No, the string entered does not exist in list 1.\n");
          yon = Search(st2, string);
               if (yon == 1)
                    printf("%s", "Yes, the string entered exists in list 1.\n");
                    printf("%s", "No, the string entered does not exist in list 1.\n");
 else if (choice == 6) 
     printf("%s", "Which list would you like to copy? 1 or 2?");
     scanf("%d", listchoice);
     if (listchoice == 1)
 else if (choice == 7) 
     Concatinate(st1, st2);
 else if (choice == 8) 
     printf("%s", "Which list would you like to destroy? 1 or 2?");
     scanf("%d", listchoice);
     if (listchoice == 1)
	      printf("%s", "List 1 has been destroyed. To create another, simply chose choice 1.\n"); 
	      choice = MainMenu();
         printf("%s", "List 2 has been destroyed. To create another, simply chose choice 1.\n"); 
         choice = MainMenu();
 while (choice != 9);
 return 0;
Ugh...just want to get this overwith, please help