You all probably have no trouble with this but I do. I am sorting two dimensional arrays. Don't have any idea how to do this. Never done it before. But this is what I have.
double temp2[][];
long temp1;
for(i = 0; i<emp_counter; i++)
for(j = 0; j<emp_counter; j++)
if(emp_id[j - 1] > emp_id[j])
temp1 = emp_id [j - 1];
emp_id [j - 1] = emp_id [j];
emp_id [j] = temp1;

strcpy(temp2[j-1], last[j]);
strcpy(last[j - 1], last[j]);
strcpy(last[j], temp2[j-1]);
Is this at all right. It's close. But I don't know what to declare temp2 as.
Sorry if this is considered one of those "Annoying Questions."