Here is the requirements for this program:

Your program will ask the user for an input file with the data for the ticket purchases. Then your program will ask the user for the winning combination of numbers. you must pick 6 distinct numbers from the set {1,2,3,...,52,53}.) The user MUST enter these numbers in ascending order. Once these have been entered, your program should print out the names of all the winners, along with how much money they have won. Use an enumerated type for the four possible winning values.

example of the output:
Enter the name of the file with the ticket data.
Enter the winning Lottery numbers
17 19 33 34 46 47
Mark Llewellyn matched 3 numbers and won $10.
Brian Young matched 6 numbers and won $1000000.
Max Siu matched 5 numbers and won $10000.
Murat Balci matched 4 numbers and won $100.
I already have the two arrays but I'm not sure how to compare them, count how many numbers each individual person got correct and then printing out their name, how many they got right, and how much they recieve. any help is appreciated.