Thread: Sorting the linked list

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Sorting the linked list

    Hello all. I read information from a file and then I convert the times read in based on am/pm to 24 hour times. After that I am trying to sort the list based on time in ascending order. That is where the sort() comes in however I am not making any headway.

    The file that I am reading from looks something like

    TimeStamp: 1:00PM
    Source : ADM51-28

    TimeStamp: 11:00AM
    Source : ADM51-28

    TimeStamp: 10:59PM
    Source : ADM51-28

    TimeStamp: 11:58PM
    Source : Internet Explorer

    Any suggestions on correctings this sort function will be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot!

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    typedef struct Node
    	fpos_t begin;
    	fpos_t end;
    	int t_hour;
    	int t_mins;
    	char t_meri[3];
    	Node *next;
    Location *top , *ptr , *last;
    void allmem();
    void convtm();
    void sort();
    int main()
    	return 0;
    void sort()
    	Location *j;
    	Location hold;
    	ptr = top;
    	while(ptr != NULL)
    		j = ptr->next;
    		while(j != NULL)
    			if(j->t_hour < ptr->t_hour)
    				hold = *ptr;
    				*ptr = *j;
    				*j = hold;
    			j = j->next;
    		ptr = ptr->next;
    	ptr = top;
    	while(ptr != NULL)
    		printf("%.2d:%.2d\n" , ptr->t_hour , ptr->t_mins , ptr->t_meri);
    		ptr = ptr->next;
    void convtm()
    	ptr = top;
    	while(ptr != NULL)
    		if(strcmp(ptr->t_meri , "AM") == 0)
    			if(ptr->t_hour == 12)
    				ptr->t_hour = 0;
    			if(ptr->t_hour == 12)
    				ptr->t_hour = 12;
    				ptr->t_hour += 12;
    		ptr = ptr->next;
    void allmem()
    	FILE *read;
    	char str[20];
    	int beginend = 2;
    	read = fopen("spool.dat" , "r");
    	top = NULL;
    	while(feof(read) == 0)
    		fscanf(read , "%s" , str);
    		if((strcmp(str , "TimeStamp:") == 0))
    			if(beginend % 2 == 0)
    				ptr = (Location *)malloc(sizeof(Location));
    				fscanf(read , "%d:%d%s" , &ptr->t_hour , &ptr->t_mins , ptr->t_meri);
    				fgetpos(read , &ptr->begin);
    				ptr->next = NULL;
    				if(top == NULL)
    					top = ptr;
    					last = ptr;
    					last->next = ptr;
    					last = ptr;
    				fseek(read , -14 , SEEK_CUR);
    				fgetpos(read , &ptr->end);

  2. #2
    & the hat of GPL slaying Thantos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Swapping the entire struct does nothing for ya. What you need to do is look at the previous node's *next and swap them.
    Edit: Also on your functions you need to put void in the (). And you aren't doing any error checking, this is bad, very very bad.
    Last edited by Thantos; 12-14-2003 at 04:37 PM.

  3. #3

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