Can anyone give me some insight into how to do this project? I have to have it done by the 16th (Tuesday) before class and I have no idea where to start. The programming assistant is gone for the year and I feel I'm S.O.L!!!

Click Here for a Detailed Description of the project

I must use this code to implement the new project.

#include <stdio.h>
#define PARTS 50
#define SALESPERSON 20
#define NOT_FOUND -1

int deParts(int [], char *[]);
void deSales(int [][PARTS], int []);
void listParts(int [], char *[], int);
int search(int [], int); /*linear search*/
void salesRpt(int [], int [][PARTS], char *[], char *[], int);

	int response, menu = 0;	
	int count, match, part;

	int partNum[PARTS] = {0};
	char *partName[PARTS];
	int sales[SALESPERSON][PARTS] = {0};
	char *firstName[SALESPERSON] = {"John", "Sally", "Tim", "Michael", "Janet"};
	char *lastName[SALESPERSON]= {"Smith", "Weill", "Lowell", "Dunn", "Keller"};

	printf("1...........Data Entry of Parts\n");
	printf("2...........Data Entry of Sales\n");
	printf("3...........Print Parts Listing\n");
	printf("4...........Search for Part Number\n");
	printf("5...........Print Sales Report\n");
	printf("6...........End Program\n");

	printf("Please select an option then press the enter key.\n");
	scanf("%d", &response);

	case 1:
		count = deParts(partNum, partName); /* pass part # int array & part name ptr array) */
		printf("\n\n%d\n\n", count);

	case 2:
		deSales(sales, partNum); /* pass sales qty 2D array & part number int array */

	case 3:
		listParts(partNum, partName, count); /* pass part # int array; part name ptr array
											 & my part number counter */

	case 4:
		printf("Enter part number: ");
		scanf("%d", &part);
		match = search(partNum, part); /* pass part # int array and part number to search for */
		if(match == NOT_FOUND)
			printf("Part number %d is not valid.", part);
			printf("\n\n%-10d%-20s\n", part, partName[match]);

	case 5:
		salesRpt(partNum, sales, firstName, lastName, count); /* pass part # int array,
															  sales qty array, first & last
															  name arrays, and part count */

	case 6:
		printf("\n\n Thanks for using this program!\n\n");
		menu = 1;

	}while (menu == 0);
	return 0;

int deParts(int number[], char *name[])
	int ans=0;
	char loop;
	char partName[20][20];
	static int counter=0;

	while (ans == 0)
		printf("Please enter the part number, then press the enter key.\n");
		scanf("%d", &number[counter]);
		printf("\n\nPlease enter the part name, then press the enter key.\n");
		scanf("%s", partName[counter]);
		name[counter] = partName[counter];
		printf("it saved");
		printf("\n%s\n", name[counter]); 
		printf("\n\nWould you like to enter another part number and name? Y or N\n");
		scanf("%c", &loop);
		if (loop == 'n' || loop == 'N')
			ans = 1;
	printf("\n\nPlease choose another menu option.\n");
	return counter;

void deSales(int people[][PARTS], int partNumbers[])
	int id, part, match, loop1=0, loop2=0;
	char response;
	printf("\n\nHere you can enter how many parts each salesperson has sold.\n\n");
	while(loop1 == 0)
		printf("Please enter the salesperson's ID number.\n");
		scanf("%d", &id);
		while(loop2 == 0)
			printf("\n\nNow you can enter a part number and the quantity the salesperson sold.\n");
			printf("Part number:  ");
			scanf("%d", &part);
			match = search(partNumbers, part);
			if(match == NOT_FOUND)
				printf("This part number is not valid.");
				printf("\nQuantity:  ");
				scanf("%d", &people[id][match]);
			printf("Enter another part number and quantity? Y or N \n");
			scanf("%c", &response);
			if(response == 'n' || response == 'N')
				loop2 = 1;
	printf("Would you like to enter sales for another salesperson? Y or N\n");
	scanf("%c", &response);
	if(response == 'y' || response == 'Y')
		loop2 = 0;
	if(response == 'n' || response == 'N')
		loop1 = 1;

void listParts(int partNo[], char *names[], int cnt)
	int i;
	printf("Parts Listing\n\n");
	printf("%-10s%-20s\n", "Number", "Name");
	for (i=0; i<=cnt-1; i++)
		printf("%-10d", partNo[i]);
		printf("%-20s\n", names[i]);

int search(int partNo[], int key)
	int i=0, found=0, where;
	while (!found && i < PARTS)
		if (partNo[i] == key)
			found = 1;
	printf("completed loop");
		where = i;
		where = NOT_FOUND;

	printf("assigned where value");
	return (where);

void salesRpt(int partNo[], int salesData[][PARTS], char *first[], char *last[], int cnt)
	int i, j, total;
	printf("Weekly Parts Sales Report\n\n");
	for (i=0; i<5; i++) 
		total = 0;
		printf("%s %s\n", first[i], last[i]);
		printf("        %-20s%-10s\n", "Part Number", "Quantity");
		for (j=0; j<=cnt-1; j++)
			printf("        %-20d%-10d\n", partNo[j], salesData[i][j]);
			total = total + salesData[i][j];
		printf("                Total       %d\n\n", total);
Please Help!!!