Originally posted by Salem
Sounds to me like the usual problem you get when you mix scanf() with fgets()

Try replacing things like
scanf( "%d", &choice );

char temp[100];
fgets( temp, sizeof temp, stdin );
sscanf( temp, "%d", &choice );
That was it!!! Stupid scanf...lol

OK. My questions (which is most likely very simple to all of you) is after I changed that I am not able to use my original error checking method. So,....

1) I want to give the user another chance to do the program. I have used the while loop before to accomplish this, but now when I use it sometimes it messes up. Is there something out of place?

2) If I run the program and first encrypt, then choose decrypt. It will echo back the text I entered. I tried using fflush(stdin) (as you can see), but that didn't work. Is there a way to clear the string so it doesn't do that?